Dodgy food safety advice

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ferita, Jan 8, 6:08pm
If you have not passed any food safety certificates do not give advice.


2halls, Jan 8, 6:39pm
None of our Grandmother's had 'certificates' on their walls,and they never killed anybody !What's happened to common sense I wonder ?:-)

prawn_whiskas, Jan 8, 7:31pm
It is on that note that I propose that we ban any 'old' person from passing on any wisdom they may have to any 'young' person, I mean clearly none of that 'wisdom' would conform to todays restrictions and standards surely.I mean, what would OSH say?

What say you community!

lilyfield, Jan 8, 7:34pm
according to osh-this oldie died long ago.

common sense is not a subject taught at school these days.

prawn_whiskas, Jan 8, 7:36pm
Sadly, it doesn't seem to be taught in the home much now days either.

elliehen, Jan 8, 7:40pm
You can't 'teach' commonsense - you can only learn from observation of others using theirs.

malcovy, Jan 8, 7:46pm
Common sense is not so common.

beaker59, Jan 8, 7:58pm
Most ridiculous statement I have read on here for a while

2halls, Jan 8, 8:00pm
On this note ... we actually often refer to it as 'uncommon sense',as it is a rare commodity these days !:-)

greerg, Jan 8, 8:00pm
ferita wrote:
If you have not passed any food safety certificates do not give advice.

Fair enough if it's advice re commercial premises, which is where accreditation applies, but people who have raised families without giving them food poisoning would seem to be eminently well-placed for giving advice re food safety inthe home.

ferita, Jan 8, 8:23pm
The people complaining about my first post = the people who do not have food safety certificates.

buzzy110, Jan 8, 8:28pm
And your point is?

elliehen, Jan 8, 8:29pm
I'd certainly ban this 'old person's wisdom' ;)

From Aunt Daisy Handy Hints:
"Bumps on the Head - Children often get bumps on the head.Let child follow inclination to sleep.This generally brings child out of its dazed condition.If still dazed after sleep, send for a doctor."

lyl_guy, Jan 8, 8:33pm
LOL, oh my gosh, surely it's BUTTER for the burns!!!!!

2halls, Jan 8, 8:43pm
But we are talking about food safety !Our Grandmothers knew how to keep food safe to eat,without even having a refrigerator to help them.I've been camping many times without all the mod cons and have never given anyone food poisoning,due to exercising good old fashioned common sense.The first statement is akin to saying 'don't wash your windows unless you have an OSH certificate',Lordy !! ... The whole notion is another example of people getting 'dumbed down' and not thinking for themselves.

ferita, Jan 8, 9:03pm
learn some basic comprehension

vix.tribe, Jan 8, 9:15pm
Who died and put you in charge?

There is certainly some bad advice given in ALL areas of the messageboard. But it's the responsibility of the opinion seeker whether they follow it or not.And quite frankly, if they listen to the first opinion given and don't bother checking or researching further, then they get what they deserve.

vix.tribe, Jan 8, 9:16pm
And grammar would be a bonus too. ;-)

nfh1, Jan 8, 9:20pm
So after we implement that - we could ban everyone from giving recipes unless they have been a qualified chef for 3 years, two weeks and 27 days.

It is a MB - people post messages, up to everyone which ones they ignore, follow, laugh at etc.

lythande1, Jan 8, 9:32pm

beaker59, Jan 8, 9:42pm
You really do come across as a busybody, talk to the advice given at the time rather than look at me threads like this.

tipsy_bl0nde, Jan 8, 11:47pm
Another example on what is happening to the recipes message board. People who think their better than others. Attention Seeker anyone? or just stirring up trouble for a laugh?

uli, Jan 8, 11:59pm
ferita is just stirring - his main occupation here.
I have yet to see a post that contains anything useful.

tipsy_bl0nde, Jan 9, 12:22am
thats great but why go and start a thread to have a debate. just sounds a bit childish in my mind.

2halls, Jan 8, 6:39pm
None of our Grandmothers had 'certificates' on their walls,and they never killed anybody !What's happened to common sense I wonder !:-)