Hey guys, I make my own bread, Its like the easiest thing to make ever. I use just flour, yeast, water, pinch of sugar (to start yeast off) and pinch of salt, each time the loaf comes out beautifully after carefully stretching it and kneading it then letting it rise up for atleast 2 hours, punch it down, another hour or 2 rise then into a hot oven. Would this bread be much better for me since it has no preservatives and milk/oil/fats etc that are in bought bread? In a nut shell its flour & water risen up
Mar 4, 2:45am
I am delving into the world of bread now that I have mastered giant chewy cookies and bran muffins.
Am starting my first Rewena bread and its very exciting!
Mar 4, 3:02am
I skip the sugar and the kneading.
Mar 4, 3:17am
Nice 1! , But no Breads bread It has bugger all nutritional value, its basically just sugar for your blood(Empty carbs)
Mar 4, 4:03am
I find if you dont kneed it just comes out hard, it will rise but wont stay soft for very long, cool if you like sort of hard soutdough type bread I guess but yea, takes all sorts I spose!
I LOVE bread, bread, cereal and more bread, YUM
Mar 4, 4:14am
Check out Jo Seagers Beer Bread. It is ridiculously simple (flour, bp, salt and beer) and bake for an hour. The smell alone is divine. THe bread is so fantastic and no kneading, raising, re-raising... . . let me know if you would like the recipe. . cheers
Mar 4, 5:31am
Yea being a baker I know most recipes out there, hers is good but personally speaking Im no fan of beer bread recipes. The yeast is too diluted for it to come out like a real bread, sure its cool to bake up on cold winter nights to serve with hearty vegetable & ham hock soup but to me, most beer bread is a overgrown scone.
Mar 4, 7:28am
Veg and ham hock soup? You said you had only eaten two bits of toast and some cereal each day for the past five years.
Apr 13, 6:40pm
Hi coyoteblond! ! ! How did your Rewena bread come out. I was trying to find the rewena thread but it must have dropped off. Think I'll try one this week too.
Apr 13, 8:20pm
Obviously you can't really make bread kiwi adventures and if you think sour dough is a hard bread then you are seriously no baker either. My sourdoughs are anything but heavy and chewy. Mine are light and fluffly and have a similar texture to these rubbish plastic bag breads so loved by the unsuspecting population. One other thing - my sour dough loaves stay fresher longer and by day 4, what remains of my loaf is still fresh enough to be eaten without toasting.
I'm not sure the same could be said for homemade bread made using modern commercial yeasts and bleached white flour.
So do stick to what you know best, which is namely, unfermented and gluten filled lumps of something misnamed bread and I'll stick to sour dough which I know 100% more about than you.
Apr 13, 8:28pm
I must say I do admire your diet greatly. I mean baked beans, weetbix, homemade 'bread' and porridge. It all has to be good for you, right?
You are eating exactly the diet recommended by the healthy eating guides, if you add in potatoes and ½ cup vegetables or a piece of fruit.
There must be many people out there who want to emulate your diet.
Perhaps you would like to do a thread on potatoes and kumara, later on, recommending your favourites because you're da man and know stuff nobody else knows.
Apr 13, 8:49pm
buzzy110 what side of the bed did you get out off this morning? Why would you attack someone so viciously over their comments on bread? ? Since I have been off work these last 6 weeks it has been a real pleasure to come to this and another siteI learn so much from kind and friendly people... ... till this morning.
Apr 13, 10:17pm
Wow buzzy110, your diet may be healthy, in your eyes, but it sure does nothing for a happy disposition. http://www.worldhealth.net/news/happy-disposition-may-promot e-heart-health/
Apr 13, 11:02pm
I use wholemeal flour, and add things like herbs, garlic, seeds (poppy, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin) and kibbled rye etc to my basic bread (as poster 1 states)
You can make all sorts! !
Give it a go:)
Apr 14, 1:31am
added finely chopped rosemary is my favourite.
Apr 14, 2:21am
Yep - it is MUCH better than store bought bread - but it is still 'bread" - and it is also bread which has the phytates still intact.
So if you want to eat bread - then I would suggest you learn the "sourdough" method- there is a lovely thread here: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=131
Otherwise I would recommend to NOT eat bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, cakes, sugar etc. - BUT that needs a complete different mindset and some more info which you could get from here (if interested): http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=654
Apr 14, 3:59am
Gosh. I'm allowed to defend sour dough aren't I. Kiwi adventures intimated that it was a 'heavy' bread when it absolutely isn't. In fact sour dough creates a bread that is so similar in texture and feel to bought plastic bag bread I know people who wouldn't be able to tell the difference if it had been commercially sliced.
I did not malign his diet in any way. I pointed out that it was identical to that in the healthy food guidelines. Sheesh. If you want to take issue with that statement and tell me why you think his diet isn't healthy then do set out your objections.
Apr 14, 4:17am
Damn rude
Apr 14, 5:35am
good grief. . it's comments like ...
"Obviously you can't really make bread"
that's what is getting peoples backs up buzzy. . and it really takes away from all the good information you provide in your posts.
it's not really about whose sourdough is lighter or heavier is it?
It looks like you just jumped down that persons throat for whatever reason. . have you two had issues posting in the past? . . because to those of us not up to speed on the politics in this forum. . it does look rude. .
Apr 14, 6:27am
aha perhaps there is an underlying issue between buzzy110 and kiwi. adventures... ... . . Nearly 8 hours have passed and you still sound pi$$ed off buzzy. "Set out one's objections" sheesh your on a 'trade me thread' not in the high court! Back to business, thank you uli for that thread cos I really are interested in learning how to make various breads. Have a good evening all :)
Apr 14, 7:37am
I am with you Pam, sick of the rude posters who are poisoning the Recipes thread.
So do stick to what you know best, which is namely, unfermented and gluten filled lumps of something misnamed bread and I'll stick to sour dough which I know 100% more about than you. [/quote]
Apr 14, 7:45am
No, sadly is quite often rude to people, not sure why.
Apr 14, 8:05am
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=248268
Sad and strange, but par for the course...
Apr 14, 8:17am
Eee gads
Feb 5, 1:56am
Hi all, do I need to feed my bug, its the second day and only a few bubbles, am I suppose to feed it? Thanks
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