When you put lemon curd on the pav, do you mix it with the whipped cream, or put it on under the cream?I'm a novice so would appreciate an answer please.
Dec 22, 9:49am
Either way is perfectly fine.. all depends on how strong you want the lemon flavour..
If you want it strong, dont mix it with the cream...
Dec 22, 9:56am
Thanks alebix, so I put the lemon curd on first then top with cream?If I put berries on top of the cream, would that confuse the flavour?
Dec 22, 8:54pm
You can do whatever you like. :-) I would put the cream on first and swirl the lemon curd on top, so it looks pretty. I think raspberries and lemon curd go very well together, though I would probably serve them separately if I was making that dessert, so people could take a slice of pav and then a spoonful of berries. But do what you think will work best for you on the day. :-)
Dec 22, 10:12pm
Thanks rosa :-)
Jan 11, 7:09am
This could not pobsisly have been more helpful!
Jan 13, 1:42pm
Your pavlova looks pfceert.I just got my KA and am learning to use it too, finding it difficult to gauge the level of the beaten egg whites as my KA's head can't be tilted, --the hook can't be seen! And my first meringue was overbeaten, after that, I became very cautious whenever I beat egg whites with it and would be watching over it like a hawk. I was so tempted to take out my hand mixer and beat my meringues, but I was also determined to master the art of beating egg whites with my machine. If I ever give in and take out my hand mixer, I'll never learn. What a waste to get a stand mixer not knowing how to utilize. Right?I used to make this pavlova with a hand mixer, so it's slower than a stand mixer, much easier to control.
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