My Recipe requires Glycerine. Will it matter if I leave it out and what does it do to the Cake??
Dec 12, 10:27pm
Glycerine is sometimes used in commercial baking to prevent staling and drying out.There is no need for it in a conventional fruit cake which contains butter.
Dec 12, 11:43pm
I use glycerine in all fruit cakes that I make and it helps keep your fruit cakes wonderfully moist and so delicious.
Dec 12, 11:59pm
Where do you buy glycerinefrom?
Dec 13, 3:52am
I got mine at a chemist, but have also seen it in Pak n Save I think it was.
Dec 13, 12:10pm
You don't have to put it in.As a cake decorator I use it my marindewhen I soak my fruit in rum.
Oct 25, 7:56am
Many Thanks for all your remarks. I have tried to get it at most Supermarkets to no avail so if kiwitrish thinks I dont need to use it I think I will leave it out.
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