Egg sandwiches!!

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duckmoon, Dec 14, 7:14am
well said

kuaka, Dec 14, 7:14am
evorotorua - I believe this style of gadget were manufactured by several different outfits, mouli, was one of them.They all work on the same principle, some were metal, some plastic.All do the same job, but were mostly used or designed for grating cheese.

seniorbones, Dec 14, 9:02am
olwen wrote:
When I was a kid the eggs always had finely chopped chives.We grew a row in a garden just outside the back door.[/quote

My grandmother used to make the best ever egg sandwiches ...never would have an egg sandwich without chives s & p, all mashed up with a smidgeon of milk to mix with.

coconutbuns, Dec 14, 11:12pm
that's the trick! I love those egg sammies too!

coconutbuns, Dec 14, 11:13pm
lol i like that

coconutbuns, Dec 14, 11:14pm
I love chicken and egg too, moist chicken from the thigh, salt & pepper, maybe a bit of tomato yum I want lunch now!

evorotorua, Dec 15, 12:05am
Oh I see Kuaka, I always think of a mouli as that big thing with the ball knob that turns the scooper over the holed disk for baby food. Now I see it is actually a brand name!! You learn something new everyday. Thanks.

pickles7, Dec 15, 12:18am
Thick white sauce is the one. season well. We used it to make cheese and onion filling as well. Made it stick onto the bread, the cheese and onion would remain soft to spread well.

motorbo, Dec 15, 12:27am
mash the eggs whilst they are hot, add salt and pepper and a tiny bit of milk - maybe 1 teaspoon or less, then finely slice spring onions and add, yummmoooooooo

softlysoftly8, Dec 15, 1:02am
Hi, is the gadget you are thinking of a Zyliss machine. I still have one and is very handy although it does not "stick by suction" any longer to the bench. Anyone know how I can fix that ????? I have had mine about 30-35 years !!!!! Cheers

littleblackhen, Dec 15, 2:59am
mash the eggs whislt still warm.I use any of the things the others use,but instead of curry powder I have used Celery Salt,adds a different taste.

coconutbuns, Dec 15, 3:12am
i feel like a egg now, lol

kiwibubbles, Dec 15, 9:44am
oh man now i want an egg sandwich lol

shedz2, Dec 12, 2:21am
I just love those "old fashioned" egg sandwiches that you get in little coffee shops! How do they do that! What do you use to bind it together! It's not sweet like mayo, or sour like sour cream!! What the heck is the trick - so I can make them at home to put in the lunchbox!! Thanks for your help!

katewest, Dec 12, 2:47am
i do mine with a little salt and a knob of butter! Yummy!

evorotorua, Dec 12, 6:50am
When I worked in a 'tearooms' we boiled the eggs until they were hard boiled, and then 'riced' them, added salt, pepper and cream. Stir until all combined. Chill. It wasn't really a ricer that we used but one of the bench top type graters that suctioned onto the bench and then there was a barrell grater and you pushed the egg through and turned the handle. No idea what it is called but basically it grated the egg. The sandwiches were beautiful.

juliewn, Dec 12, 12:48pm
I mash them while hot too. they're softer and easier to do I find. I add a little curry powder to the mix too. just a touch. enhances the other flavours - you could use a little mustard powder too.

petal1955, Dec 12, 6:36pm
Hard boil your eggs.but take one egg out before its completely hard eggs and mash the yolks with a little milk and pepper and salt.grate the whites then add the egg that isnt fully hard boiled . still nice and runny. and mashed till well mixed.add some snipped chives and chopped parsley

korbo, Dec 13, 9:18am
kuaka, in a hurry and didnt read it all.tomorrow i am having egg sandwiches for lunch.

seniorbones, Dec 14, 9:02am
olwen wrote:
When I was a kid the eggs always had finely chopped chives.We grew a row in a garden just outside the back door.[/quote

My grandmother used to make the best ever egg sandwiches .never would have an egg sandwich without chives s & p, all mashed up with a smidgeon of milk to mix with.