Hi guys i really need some help. Every year its a mad rush around auckland to see my father partners mum and partners father. I decided this year we would have a xmas lunch so everyone can come to us.
I have no idea what im doing as first time hosting but would need some help with a menu and time planning to make everything and how soon i can make before xmas day.
Im a capable cook but need a bit of guidance from those with experience. My oven is small (handy :S) can do a ham though.
Nov 19, 4:38am
I really want a baked ham so any glazing recipes please would be great
Nov 19, 4:53am
My easy ham is to criss cross ham with a knive and put a clove in each join, cover ham with pineapple ring and glaze with watties apricot spicy sauce and heat. Add more glaze as required. Easy and yummy.
Nov 19, 4:57am
oooo that sounds delicious and the apricot spicy sauce isnt too tangy?
Nov 19, 5:12am
Just don't knock yourself out, it's just not worth it. Keep it simple. It's too hot for lots of palaver.
Nov 19, 5:26am
Tell people that you'll do the ham if they bring a salad/dessert.
Nov 19, 7:04am
i love making a fuss :) probably will be good to bring a plate though
Nov 19, 7:17am
The tasngy-ness of the sauce will offset the saltiness of the ham. It will be delish! Mashed kumera and crushed pineapple is lovely with it too. Just some roasted veges (seeing you have the oven on anyway), boil some good spuds and some lovely peas. Otherwise, do the things you like doing and ask the others to bring the rest!!
Nov 19, 7:43am
tipsy_bl0nde, re the Apricot Glazed Ham - as a guide, have a look at:-
Our daughter had never glazed a ham before, until last Christmas, and she used the Wattie's Bit on the Side Spiced Apricot Sauce - the hot ham for Christmas Dinner was absolutely delicious as was the cold ham that we enjoyed over the next few days.:-))
Nov 19, 8:38am
Thank you that looks yumm
Nov 19, 9:19pm
I would do food that can be prepared in advance; I would also ask your guests what they would like to contribute (we have between 12 and 18 for christmas dinner, and it doesn't all land on the host).
Also, I would think about what you can cook on other things (like a BBQ or crockpot).
Nov 19, 9:21pm
Since you have mentioned ham: My menu would be (with the applicance they are cook on/timing) * Glazed Ham (in the oven - serve hot/warm) * Roasted Vege Salad with balsamic dressing (cooked the evening before/served cold) * apsaprgus (stove top or microwave) * new potatoes
* pudding (brought by guest) * banoffee pie or pav or nigella chocolate cherry trifle
Nov 19, 9:22pm
We also do stuff on the BBQ - but that is my brother's area of expertise
Nov 20, 12:21am
i was thinking of doing a chook in the crock pot to make a chicken salad or something like that so its really going to be all hands on deck for cooking appliances i suppose. oven will be used stove crockpot and maybe bbq
Nov 20, 4:06am
you could bake your ham on christmas eve day and then glaze it on christmas morning, also cook the chook on christmas eve day as well and then have it split and plated up in the fridge ready to go - if you put it onto a nice oval plate sliced or broken a part and the stuffing at one end just dress it nicely with pieces of parsley and cherry tomato's. to bake your ham just put it on a rack that is sitting in a roasting pan, pour water into the bottom of the pan and then make a tent over the top of it out of tin foil so that the tin foil is not touching the ham.bake at 150 deg till done through - about 4 - 6 hours depending on size and thickness of the ham.when cold take the rind off and score the fat - lines going from top to bottom and then across and then you can put the glaze on - i do a mix of mustard (just made up stuff from mustard powder), brown sugar and marmalade and i brush it all over.then put on the whole cloves and i do toothpicks with a glace cherry and pinapple piece so that everyone gets some to nibble on lol.. bake again for about 20 - 30 min till bubbly and golden at 150 deg..really yum! new spuds, peas and carrots, a selection of salads - nigella's wild rice and christmas coucous ones are lovely, then whatever desserts you want to have - rolled pav, gingernut log, taramasu, fresh fruit salad etc... christmas pud if you like it and anti pasta platters work really well for heaps of people for quick and inexpensive nibble options before dinner. buffet or set the table depending on your space availabilty... enjoy - drinks: punch etc and plenty of ice lol
Nov 20, 4:09am
alot of your baking etc could be done now and frozen - work out your menu make up a shopping list and get started as heaps of christmas foodstuffs on special now!get in a stock of antipasta stuff now like chargrilled peppers, picked onions, gerkins etc, french sticks will frezze, check the specials for cheeses as some may have best before dates into jan now - cream cheese etc as well...buy a bit each week and do some stock up boxs or a cupboard for all your hoard lol.. choc's chips reduced cream etc all brought now saves time and money down the line...
Nov 20, 4:19am
thank you for the hints ":)
Nov 20, 4:38am
What food is generally served at your father's, partner's mum and partner's dad? Maybe they'd like to donate some of their favourites.
Just an idle thought here - I assume your partner's parents and their respective spouses/partners all get on OK together.
Nov 20, 5:08am
yeah they do so its not uncomfortable or anything. I am going to get a lot of help from partners mum she should be on masterchef everything she cooks is delicious on a crazy yum level. she will most likely come and give me a hand on the day. Any event she normally stays in the kitchen. absolute miracle
Nov 20, 5:12am
She sounds wonderful your partner's mother. Have you thought to ring her up and ask for suggestions from her? We can give you all sorts of suggestions but I reckon she has some fairly good ideas of her own that she would prefer. Benefits are that both her ex husband and your partner will be very accustomed to her style and so that only leaves your father and his partner (if he has one) to please.
Nov 20, 5:18am
yeah and she reckons ham and hot veges and a few cold salads
she always gives me recipes shes copied from restaurants and creates herself but was hoping to find something new and exciting
Nov 20, 5:57am
hey tipsy - you'll do fine!!great that your partners mum is awesome in supporting you...mentoring in the kitchen is how most of us got started and become confident - ya gotta start some where aye lol... you go girl - you'll be fine!
Nov 20, 9:05am
thanks alot still young got plenty to learn :)
Nov 21, 12:04am
Never too old to learn tipsy. Most important is for you to enjoy the day too!
Aug 22, 6:05pm
I love having everyone at my house too, which now seems to happen every year!!Everyone brings a salad, dessert and bottle of fizzy or buns or something.I provide heaps of everything but it is nice that they contribute...it can be very expensive hosting, especially when you add little things like plastic/paper plates, cups etc and fancy sauces and nibbly things.....I'm a sucker for Christmas so now I'm all excited!!!
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