I want to make my own mince pies this xmas - can I make the mince now or should I have got onto this ages ago?Also does anyone have a yummy and easy fruit mince recipe for dummies?Thanks people!
Nov 17, 7:25pm
you should be ok... i have a deliciious fruit mince recipe, one that has no suet in it but i can't remember where i got my recipe from - waaaaaaa :(
Nov 17, 7:28pm
Have a look on the Christmas thread or use search function just to the left of the postings. Type in mincemeat and then for date scroll down to anytime as I'm sure there'll be heaps. Cheers
Nov 17, 8:01pm
Thanks suzanna - I did search fruit mince, but didn't come up with much, but there is a fab Christmas thread - thanks!Another question - I will be making some for adults and I will use brandy, but what can I use as a substitute in the kids ones - my lot LOVE mince pies.
Nov 17, 8:32pm
bag of mixed fruit, 8 oz cooking apples, 4 oz brown sugar, 1/2 tspn salt, 1 tspn mixed spice, 1/2 tspn ground cinnamon, 1/4 tspnGround Nutmeg, Grated lemond rind 1 tspn, Lemon Juice 2 tblspns, Brandy - Whiskey or rum 4 tblspns.Mince and then mix in the juices and put in a covered container to let it do its thing until ready to use.Makes a good amount and much nicer than shop bought.
Nov 17, 8:47pm
This is the one that I use, and its lovely. It needs to be made 6weeks before though. I use half a cup of brandy and the longer youcan leave it the better. I make a lot of it so lasts for a few years and love opening it after a few years, it pops and fizzes like champagne and its so decadant! Fruit Mince Meat
1lb suet2lb Granny Smith Apples (cooking apples)2lb currants 1lb raisins4oz citrus peel1lb sugar 4 level teaspoons mixed spice2tsp cinnamon Peel and core apples and mince with the other fruits (I just do it in the food processor). Add grated suet, sugar and spices plus 4 Tablespoons of Brandy. Stir well and put into air tight jars. Keep at least 6 weeks before use. Turn jars every few weeks to ensure brandy mixes well.
(I use about half a cup of brandy but the 4 Tbsp is enough)
Place about a dessert spoon of mixture into sweet buttercrust pastry cases cover with pastry and bake. The longer you can leave it the better it is, so if you want it for xmas you need to do it now.
Nov 17, 9:03pm
Dollmakernz.Where do you buy the suet.Is it the chefade that you use?
Nov 17, 9:14pm
clair4, obviously I am not dollmakernz, but re suet - suet is sold under the brand name "Shreddo" in a rectangular tub, similar to a margarine tub - it can usually be found on the supermarket shelves in the vicinity of the oils, etc., and not normally in the chillers.I have never used chefade but I believe that chefade and suet are not the same product - suet is beef or mutton fat from the kidney and loin area.
Hope that helps.:-))
Nov 17, 9:29pm
fruit mince, bleurgh bleurgh bleurgh bleurgh!!!!
Nov 17, 9:34pm
This ismy one the one off the great Christmas thread
Here it is: Spiced Fruit Mince 750g sultanas;750g raisins,chopped;450g currants;500g seeded dates,chopped;500g seeded prunes,chopped;400g green skinned apples,peeled,grated;200g brown sugar;2 tbsp finely grated orange rind;1 tbsp mixed spice;2 tsp ground cloves;1/2 cup plum jam;375ml brandy. Mix all together in a lge bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap.Store in cool dark place or fridge for 3 days before using. Can be kept under refrigeration for up to six months. posted by brianmac
Nov 17, 9:41pm
as 245 said, Shreddo is what you're looking for in the baking aisle at the supermarket.
Nov 17, 11:21pm
Thanks.Senior moment I did mean Shreddo.Your recipe looks so, good.I still have some that I made 3 years ago and it looks and smells nice.
Nov 17, 6:36pm
I want to make my own mince pies this xmas - can I make the mince now or should I have got onto this ages ago!Also does anyone have a yummy and easy fruit mince recipe for dummies!Thanks people!
Nov 17, 7:25pm
you should be ok. i have a deliciious fruit mince recipe, one that has no suet in it but i can't remember where i got my recipe from - waaaaaaa :(
Nov 17, 7:28pm
Have a look on the Christmas thread or use search function just to the left of the postings. Type in mincemeat and then for date scroll down to anytime as I'm sure there'll be heaps. Cheers
Nov 17, 8:01pm
Thanks suzanna - I did search fruit mince, but didn't come up with much, but there is a fab Christmas thread - thanks!Another question - I will be making some for adults and I will use brandy, but what can I use as a substitute in the kids ones - my lot LOVE mince pies.
Nov 17, 9:03pm
Dollmakernz.Where do you buy the suet.Is it the chefade that you use!
Nov 17, 9:29pm
fruit mince, bleurgh bleurgh bleurgh bleurgh!
Nov 17, 9:41pm
as 245 said, Shreddo is what you're looking for in the baking aisle at the supermarket.
Nov 18, 5:13am
fruit mince making time
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