Had a 'lasoo of pork' from New World last night and devine is the only word to describe it.I had intended to check out what ingredients the pork was stuffed with but forgot to do so before burning the rubbish this a.m.
Can anyone help me out here?I know there was a little chilli and there werre slices of an interesting firm to the bite vegie that neither of us had tasted before.
I have googled and see Lone Star have this meat on their menu - I will try theirs next time I'm in the city.
Nov 15, 10:12pm
'lasoo of pork' from New World ?
Nov 15, 10:21pm
i'm pretty sure the lasso of pork at Lone Star is basically lion of pork rolled upwith an apple, onion and sage stuffing. I've had it before and it didn't seem that spicy to me. I think it had choppedup carrots in it too
Nov 16, 12:13am
Yep - in Dunedin, uli
I didn't taste any of those flavours in it Kiwibubbles, but thanks for replying.
Nov 16, 3:01am
The plot thickens - 'lasoo of pork' is now 'lion of pork rolled upwith an apple' ... good god - WHAT on earth is it?
Meat and three veg in disguise or what?
Nov 16, 3:38pm
Maybe N/W have just called it that, sounds like another version of the lone star lasoo of Hog meal that is a rolled pork roast with a breadcrumb, herb, and diced veg stuffing. Maybe chilli, carrot, onion,etc..
Nov 16, 4:01pm
I thought eating lions was frowned upon.
Nov 16, 8:20pm
I think it is ok if they have died in a humane manner!!
Jul 7, 12:44am
I don't think lone Star really understand the concept of spicy
Sep 1, 6:47pm
What's the best way to cook it
Oct 18, 10:12pm
For those worrying about eating Lions, I think you will find it is a LOIN of pork not LION
Apr 27, 10:14pm
lol I nearly split my sides with the conversation about Lion v Loin
Dec 31, 8:37pm
So funny! Was trying to find out how to cook this 'Lasso of Hog' from NW. Will just roast it and see what happens...
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