1.7Kg Pork Shoulder Roast- Help with timing Please
Jul 16, 4:32am
I have a shoulder roast defrosting for tommorrow nights family sunday roast. I want to slow cook it so it falls apart as opposed to slicing it....but am a litte unsure of timing. Here is a recipe off NZ Pork but its for a 2.5Kg shoulder. Do you thing for 1.7kgs that 3 hours after the initial blitz will be too much. Also when it says 120 deg... is that fan or normal do you think? plus i don't have a rack so will it be ok to sit it in the water?... or should i buy a rack tommorrow.
I am thinking Fisher is the man for the job here but welcome anyones advice.......
1.Preheat oven to 200ºC. If your oven has a fan function then use this. 2.Score the skin of the pork with a sharp knife then pat dry with paper towel. 3.Mix together the flakes, seeds, garlic & salt and massage into the pork rubbing in well between the scored lines. 4.Place pork on a rack in a roasting tray (It's important to let air circulate around the roast for even cooking). 5.Insert a meat thermometer into the middle of the meat, avoiding the bone. 6.Drizzle over the oil. 7.Pour 1 cup of boiling water into the oven tray. 8.Place in the pre-heated oven for half an hour and then reduce the temperature to 120ºC and cook a further 3-4 hours until the juices run clear when the meat is pierced or until the thermometer reaches 71ºC
Jul 16, 4:57am
I would cook it in an oven bag........never tough or dried out..........allow around 35 mins per 500grms
Jul 16, 4:58am
What temp?
Jul 16, 5:37am
Around 160 Degrees C
Jul 16, 5:40am
6-7 hours look up jamie oliver's recipe
Jul 16, 5:42am
Oh, toadie... do you REALLY want fisher to give you a recipe? Dont you remember what happened LAST time he helped you with a roast, lol
Jul 16, 6:11am
lol.... Best roast we ever had... At least I think I ate some.... or was I under the table lol.... This has to be a good one as Miss 18's young man is joining us, the last 2 times he has I wasn't expecting him and the meals were extremely average.... I feel I need to prove that I really am a domestic goddess....if all else fails I will wear the apron that Pam gave me bless her....Its so cool..... (It says domestic goddess on it... just in case anyone is in any doubt)... now ideas for dessert... was thinking chocolate self saucing pudding with vanilla ice cream.
Jul 16, 6:13am
Wow thats when Mum was in Sydney for her treatment... that was years ago.... We have known each other for ages now haven't we.....
Jul 16, 6:40am
*ehem* well I just 'clicked' on my profile and I've been a member since August 2005 and I think I found 'you know which' thread, pretty soon after joining, so yeah.. a few years behind us now!
Nov 23, 6:51pm
PS: definitely go with the choccie self saucer and ice cream, what boyfriend wouldnt like that!
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