I find myself seriously ill, off work for six months, skint, but happily, with more time to myself and my family than I've ever had. And, a deep fondness for cooking. Today I have made several jars of very simple mint jelly and I will post the recipe if anyone wants it.It uses lime jelly, so no need fortraditional jelly-making techniques. Is anyone else making Christmas gifts in the kitchen?If so, what are you making?
Nov 15, 6:33pm
I would love your mint jelly recipe thanks
Nov 15, 6:39pm
Here y'are: 8 Tbsp sugar (I used a little less) 2 cups white wine vinegar (I used 1 3/4 white wine, 1/4 malt for depth of colour) 1 packet lime jelly crystals 1/2 cup sherry 30 mint leaves, chopped good handful of finely chopped rosemary leaves Heat vinegar, sugar and jelly crystals until sugar dissolved.Add sherry, mint and rosemary. Pour into very clean, oven-heated jars. Top with boiled lids. (This will fill three smallish jars at approx total cost of $6 each.) Cool, then refrigerate.Shake vigorously every half hour or so to distribute herbs. Probably pay to keep it in the fridge.
Nov 15, 6:43pm
Thanks, I had a nice recipe but lost mine and the mint is amazing this season
Nov 16, 4:58am
Aargh!Hold fire on that recipe.It ain't setting!! I will add gelatine tomorrow.Would vinegar prevent jelly setting?
Nov 16, 1:52pm
Have always made fudge for nieces, nephews and kid's friends, that I just put in bought-on-special-after-Xmas Warehouse Xmas tins.Christmas platters are pretty traditional - Warehouse Xmas tin trays with cellophane bags of mince pies, star shortbread, fudge, truffles, choco-peppermint creams tied off with plenty of red, white and green curling ribbon and the whole encased in cellophane with more ribbon.Usually also have a jar of homemade lemon curd, or a bottle of lemon cordial.This weekend am going to try elderflower cordial so if that's good it may be included.Annabel Langbeins chocolate and hazelnut shards are also a posssibility.for non-sweet people I have sometimes put together a box of chutneys/sauces but most of those I give these gifts too seem to have sweet tooths (teeth?).Curling ribbon bought in 500m rolls from TM lasts for years even with fairly extravagant use on quite a few Christmas goodies.
Nov 21, 5:29pm
Hi rainrain1 ,Have you put it in the fridge Ive found sometimes even gelatin take a while to set.
Nov 21, 5:32pm
I had one some marmalade also I make raspberry jam - not amazingly cheap, but people love it.
Nov 21, 5:33pm
also coconut ice and russian fudge
Nov 21, 9:03pm
making fudge, rockyroad and brandied fruits. Got some noodle boxes from spotlight and going to decorate those and put the sweets in. Snap lid jars from the warehouse for the brandied fruits. I love making gifts. Might do shortbread as well.
Nov 21, 10:39pm
I haven't made it yet,
Aug 25, 1:42am
i have in the frezzer the following already: shortbread, christmas slice (which is an apricot one with chopped glace cherries in it as well) gingerbread men and gingerbread angels, christmas cookies, fruit mince pies, christmas puds...making mint slice bickie truffles tomorrow and they frezze well also, and chesse balls - 1kg cheese and 1 pottle of cream cheese with grated carrot, mustard, crushed pinapple, chopped gerkin or celery, chopped red and green capsican and a dash of worshire sauce, makes a lovely cheese ball mix and you can shape them and frezze in plastic bags.... i also make my own jams, relish's etc in jan and they make really great presents for busy working families...
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