What a killjoy!!!.I have really enjoyed reading everyone elses comments, they brought back many memories.I'm sure our parents today wouldnt eat half the menu's we eat. I know my mum wouldnt even try nacho's, greek salad etc, doesnt mean we cant talk about it.
Oct 22, 10:59pm
Exactly Chooky. My mum and dad are 80 and wont even try raw red onion or garlic. My father wont eat "sloppy" meals which are casseroles and he wont even have any type of sauce or gravy with his meals.. Thats his choice,not mine. I think its great he has free will to make up his mind and choose not to eat food that he hates.
Just the thought of being made to eat food that we honestly dont like makes me shudder.
Oct 22, 11:17pm
I don't tell you how to eat. when I do it is in my very own thread which you do not have to read.
Hating food is a childish nonsense and what is wrong with suggesting a thread where your mothers are praised rather than rubbished? What is wrong with my thinking my mother did her absolute best and quite frankly her cooking was always so tasty that I never had any complaints and certainly no childish dislikes to overcome when I hit alduthood. Wasn't I lucky.
That must mean all the rest of you had inadequate mothers!!
You disagree? Well of course you do but you still come in here to criticise what your mother tried to do for you in public anyway. I could never do that to my mother.
It is not nice to criticise your mother in public to total strangers, especially if they have passed and cannot defend themselves and this thread doesn't have a recipe in it.
Oct 22, 11:31pm
How good it is to beperfect eh buzzy? Off you go and polish up that halo.
Oct 22, 11:58pm
Goodness, what with the "perfect Mother", extremely high intellegence, a sense of humour, a fat-almost concave stomach ( according to you) and "looking "Hot" in your underwear (AGAIN, according to you!)...how could we EVER live up to you? Oh and dont forget a four day whirlwind "trip' to San Fran while managing to post on Trademe threads all at the same time, oh, and dont forget, being so healthy, you squeek...MMMmmmm, "Wonderwoman" springs to mind! I suppose you can fend off bullets with your thighs then?
Oct 22, 11:59pm
LOL, she does not get to me...I am peeing myself laughing, its so pathetic.
Oct 23, 12:02am
Actually this has been a very interesting thread, aside from the usual headbanging, that is.
Oct 23, 12:06am
I thought this was a fun thing!!
Oct 23, 12:11am
Yeah, I think we all did.
Oct 23, 12:14am
My Mum ( a great cook for some posters info) used to make Chinese with pork and I can remember being told to sit at the table until I had eaten. I absolutely detested it. I also think the ingredients back then were pretty basic and there certainly was not the choice of food as there is today.
Oct 23, 12:20am
Why so defensive cooks? I just couldn't bring myself to criticise anything my mother did for me. Perhaps it is because I miss her dearly. Obviously you will not miss your mother when she passes or perhaps you all fail to understand just what a wrench it is when your mothers do go and are no longer there.
I find it amazing that all of you could find even small things to criticise in your mothers'. IMO you are all ungrateful and horrible and didn't deserve your mothers. At least you had one. There are people who would give their eye teeth to have had someone to cook them food. I'm sure they wouldn't be so ungrateful as to write up their mother's attempts as feeble. And if that means I have a halo then so be it.
At least I can show some respect my mother.
Oct 23, 12:23am
First you tell us your mother was a great cook then continue on to recall a food that she made that you detested. So what is it? A great cook or someone who couldn't cook pork and vegetables to save herself.
Oct 23, 12:24am
I was lucky. Either I had no taste buds or my mother just had a knack with food because everything she cooked really was delicious.
Oct 23, 12:41am
buzzy, we had tinned pumpkin sent to us in London just after the war from NZ.May I please say that it was revolting without being told I should be more appreciative?My mother never set out to be the world's best cook, but she put good honest home cooking in front of us.She even tried a recipe for shortbread made with war-time margerine.And we had to save the sugar coupons up to have enough.Of course there were things we didn't like, that's what parents were supposed to do in those days......eat up and think of the starving children in Africa.You sit there until you've finished every mouthful or you go straight to bed.It was all in the parenting manual of the day!
Oct 23, 12:45am
LOL, it used to make me laugh that Mum would make us eat broad beans and white turnips when she couldn't stand them herself... When the Broad beans ripened we had to shuck the equivalent of bags on them cos Dad just loved them to bits.. So you'd stink of them, bean juice oozing under your nails and sit there and try and munch them down.. And don't even contemplate that I don't appreciate my mother Buzzy because it was hard for us kids to get things when we saw how hard it was for our parents to go through the financial crash of the 80's and live on a farm... To pluck dead sheep for the wool to sell for butter as a stable on the table... And even Mum and Dad joke about food they were made to eat that they detested...
Oct 23, 12:46am
we were told the beafrians.. but I looked up a map as a kid and could never find Beafrican...
Oct 23, 12:47am
Aren't you the lucky one. For someone who eats so very healthy, why are you so snarky. Something is missing & if it's not your perfect diet, what is it? You are the reason I only lurk here now, but I can see that others who feel the same as me, are braver.
Oct 23, 12:54am
Try spelling it Biafra.
Oct 23, 12:56am
You were a good kid southerngurl to bother looking it up, you'd have found it if you'd looked for Biafra. I was told to think of the starving kids in Africa.
Oct 23, 12:57am
well that could have made a difference :) but how many 6 year olds think of that...
Oct 23, 1:07am
Yeah, thats right...Chinese- awful, not the cook. I am now absolutley certain that ther is NPD going on here, I thought it was there before, little glimpses, but now, there are all the traits glaringly obvious.
Oct 23, 1:08am
My point exactly.
Oct 23, 1:09am
NPD Cook?
Oct 23, 1:10am
QUOTE BUZZY110"Why so defensive cooks? I just couldn't bring myself to criticise anything my mother did for me. Perhaps it is because I miss her dearly. Obviously you will not miss your mother when she passes or perhaps you all fail to understand just what a wrench it is when your mothers do go and are no longer there. " Not defensive at all...you have very little comprehension of this thread at all. I love my Mum, she is an absolutel jewel and I love cooking and am a great cook because of her. Tell, me, where did YOU get your inherent nastiness from?
Oct 23, 1:10am
Yeah - what's that Cooks? I like to learn something new everyday!
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