+ Tripe & onions + Silverbeet stalks in white sauce
Oct 21, 11:16am
Guess I was lucky Mum was a great cook and I liked everything she cooked including the silverbeet stalks. Though have to admit she didn't do Tripe which I don't think I ever remember trying not that I am driven to seek it out.
Oct 21, 11:29am
Tripe & stuffed heart!
Oct 21, 3:03pm
wata bout a egg and bread thing in a cup?
Oct 21, 5:26pm
brain puffs
Oct 21, 6:45pm
silverbeet stalks-yummy. In my apprenticeship those were eaten and the greens thrown away.
Now I cook both together.The stalks only are also nice cooked -cold -in salads
Oct 21, 7:32pm
mum used to steam silverbeet then drain then whip a egg in it until the egg was all scrambled thru the silverbeet.......OMG it still makes me want to vomit years later....
Oct 21, 7:33pm
Liver ~ blerk ~ and being forced to eat "just one piece or you won't KNOW that you don't like it"
Oct 21, 7:44pm
well here goes with old memories,Tongue,that really made me reach.Pork trotters made into brine,lambs fry and bacon which I now love,cabbage til its white,you can still get this regularly from any hospital meal,tripe N onions, the neighbors knew when that was on the menu,dripping sandwhiches,I got awesome swops for them at school,lining up for a large tablespoon of cods liver oil or treacle maybe, either way whatever it was,I gagged all the way outside.
Oct 21, 7:48pm
I'm thankful we have choices today. Back in the day, it was often make food out of whatever you had available. I know of a family who had 12 kids and the boys were sent down to a creek to catch some eels so they would have food that day. No such thing as family assistance back then. Yet they survived, grew up to be good citizens. I'm afraid I would balk at offal though. I'd rather eat cold porridge sammies.
Oct 21, 8:27pm
brussel sprouts silver beet tripe steak and kidney
Oct 21, 8:28pm
My mother is agreat cook,however, steak and kidney pie is NOT a favourite of mine.
Oct 21, 9:54pm
what about fresh milky/cream put on a windowsill and left in the sunshine for a month till it went black.. then an egg put in there for another week and then stirred up.. would you eat that..??
Oct 21, 10:12pm
My mum scrambled eggs, added sardines with curry powder. I loved it as a kid.
Oct 21, 10:14pm
Lol Fisher,i thought being made to drink milk at school that had been sitting in the sun for hours bad enough, but that makes eating posters dislikes above a breeze....
Oct 21, 10:25pm
well fifie... that's what my father had to eat to survive in the prison of war camp... This was the sort of crap the german guards did to them... it was so ingrained in him he still did it 10 or so years after the war... makes eating a bit of silverbeet stalk a breeze huh ???
Oct 21, 10:38pm
Sweetbreads & brains, but I didn't have to eat them.
Oct 21, 10:40pm
That's so sad fisher for your dear dad. Sometimes we don't realise how lucky we are.
Oct 21, 10:40pm
Am off right now to find a silverbeet stalk, eat it raw if necessary and then give thanks!
Oct 21, 10:43pm
yay... you go ellie.. just to give some insight to what folks sometimes had to eat in the past that we dont even give any thought to... edit:or in fact dont even know about...
Oct 21, 10:50pm
So terrible your dad had to go through that Fisher, lets be thankful for all the choices and the abundance of food we can grow and buy today, don't think i will ever complain again when the other half cooks me something i don't like....
Oct 21, 10:54pm
I think mine was steamed carrots and brussel sprouts, steamed WELL beyond the point of death and which would just turn to mush - gag! I love both now though, when they are prepared properly :)
Oct 21, 10:58pm
Are you serious?!!!
Oct 21, 11:46pm
very... he did that at home for years... he was very handy and made things out of leather for the guards and was rewarded with the "older" eggs which he would eat raw... at home he would crack two eggs in a glass and swallow them for breakfast.. another strange thing which I have adopted was to peel, halve and then slice cucumber into a bowl.. pour fresh cream over the top, salt and white pepper... This was used as a pudding.. and as kids we got to quite like it...
Oct 22, 2:40am
fISHER Thats so horrible what they did to your dad and others, really very cruel!
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