Preserves Thread - Jams, Pickles, Relishes, etc

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leon20, May 30, 10:44am
Hi Julie I have made strawberry jam this week - frozen berries at this time of the year though - still it made no difference to the end product - yum.And I have ordered tamarillos for jam to make next week - how about you - how has your week been! Have you mananged to be productive in the preserving sense of things!How did you get on with the caramalised onion recipe you were looking for! I am looking forward to making more red onion jam on the weekend and some lemon honey too: )

leon20, May 30, 10:47am
oh and I opened one of my jars of peaches (that will be the first of my preserving fruit from the summer) and they were devine - my children gobbled them up : ) Have a great weekend!

maggie62, May 31, 3:14am
Maggie62 Would anyone have a recipe for Honeyed Shallots please.

juliewn, Jun 1, 4:28am
That sounds good Nettie. yum! Hi Maggie. are the honeyed shallots like a pickled onion type of recipe! If so, you could use a teaspoon or so of honey per cup of vinegar - white or spiced or wine vinegar are nice with shallots - and pour them over peeled shallots placed in jars - cover the shallots completely in the vinegar/honey mix. Leave 2 weeks before using. If not like this, and if you've purchased a jar of them, are the ingredients listed on the jar label, so you could use the same ingredients. let us know so we can help further.

maggie62, Jun 1, 4:49pm
Honey Shallots Thank you Juliewn for that.The shallots were home made and were done by a gentleman that has passed away hence no recipe,these were beautiful to eat and your spiced vinegar/Wine Vinegar might be the answer.
I appreciate your answer and will try your suggestions,Thank you.

juliewn, Jun 2, 6:27am
You're most welcome Maggie. :-) let us know how you get on. cheers. Julie

jenna68, Jun 2, 4:13pm
Bumping :o)

loopydog, Jun 3, 3:43am
juliewn Thanks for your replies on the apple sauce and pickled onions. Did the onions and I'm now impatiently waiting till I can try them, and the sauce should be next weekend. You are always so helpful with responses, thanks.

juliewn, Jun 5, 9:47am
Hi Vanessa. :-) that's great you have those delicious fruits to enjoy. I bet it felt good to open them and know you had made them. isn't it a great feeling. I've not done any preserving lately - since using 20kg's of apple - some preserved and some as apple chutney. they taste very good.I'm thinking of getting another 10kg bag - at the orchard just outside town here, large Granny Smith apples are just $6 for $10. and they're fresh and delicious. Jenni helped me peel them, and we were both munching on slices of the apples. yum!

fly04buy, Jun 5, 3:20pm
Baked Beans. Hail juliewn! :-) Is it possible to make bottled 'baked beans'.If so, how to you do it!

juliewn, Jun 7, 11:05am
Hi. I've not made baked beans to preserve - however you could make a tomato sauce similar to the baked bean tomato sauce, and cook and freeze some haricot beans - the type that are used for baked beans. The sauce can then be placed in a saucepan, and a handful or more of the still frozen beans can be added. and heat them together to serve as usual. I'll include the recipe for the sauce here - it can be used with haricot beans to make baked beans; with cooked spaghetti noodles or other pasta to make Spaghetti, to use as a pasta sauce, to add to casserole's and stews, etc.

juliewn, Jun 7, 11:06am
Preserved Tomato Sauce: Chop into pieces and boil until very tender 5 kg tomatoes and 4 large onions. Put this through a sieve, a mouli, or process very well in a food processor. Return to the saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of common salt, 1/3 cup sugar and 1/2 tsp pepper. Add to the tomato mix and boil 20 minutes. Thicken with 1/2 cup flour made into a thick paste with water. Whisk into the tomato mix quickly so the flour mix blends smoothly. Boil 5 minutes more then bottle using the overflow method.

juliewn, Jun 7, 11:07am
For extra flavour, 1/4 tsp nutmeg and 4 chopped lean rashers of bacon can be added. You can also add celery, capsicum's, courgette's, etc. or any of your favourite veges - and cook them with the tomato's. For the Haricot beans - wash them in a sieve under running water. Place in a large pot and cover with cold water. Leave several hours or overnight. Drain off the water and discard. Cover with plenty of water and bring to a simmer - simmer until the beans are tender - stirring occasionally. Drain well through a sieve, and once cold, freeze in serving size amounts so the amount of beans will suit the tomato sauce you'll use for your meal. When needed, use as above. and enjoy.:-)

wron, Jun 8, 6:48am
349 posts here and almost right at the bottom of page 5! Bump!

leon20, Jun 8, 8:49pm
Hello everyone: )I thought I would share I have had a productive little time in my kitchen with some tamarillos I brought off trademe from a trader named 'poplarpark' - beautiful produce so very much recommended+++++ - (I just did a trademe search for tamarillos).So I have poached the tamarillo after I blanched the skins, left them whole and they look all plump in the jars ready for eating by themselves or with cream - I could make a crumble or pie - yummmmm.I also found some fresh cherries at Woolworth's here in Lower Hutt and layered the cherries with sugar half way up a wide neck jar then I carefully tipped a bottle of vodka over the top and now it will sitfor three long years.It needs a turn every month or so but what will happen is the vodka will turn the cherries white and infuse into the stone.When it is ready to drink the deal is to pop a cherry into your mouth and pierce the stone with your teeth and be merry!Have a great weekend - Vanessa: )

juliewn, Jun 11, 8:39am
Hi Vanessa. party-time at your home in 3 years huh! :-). Isn't it great to have shelves with your own preserved goodies displayed. I've made a boysenberry liqueur in a similar way, as Christmas gifts. once it was ready, the boysenberry colour of the liqueur was just beautiful. and was appreciated by the recipients - some of whom used it as an icecream topping! I bought Tamarillo's off Poplarpark last year - we really enjoyed them. I preserved some and made Tamarillo Chutney, then used some fresh, or as one of our favourite desserts.

juliewn, Jun 11, 8:39am
Tamarillo's and Cream: I cut the tamarillo's in half then scoop them out in three or so pieces from each half. Use as many of the fruit as you want. Place them in a bowl, and sprinkle with brown sugar. Stir the sugar in, tasting as you go till you get just the sweet/tart mix you like. Cover the bowl and leave in the fridge for at least a couple of hours. Just before dinner, fold some fresh cream, or whipped cream, through the mix. and enjoy the delicious result piled into tall glasses or pretty dishes. However, take care. it's rather moreish! Cheers. Julie

juliewn, Jun 13, 4:46am
Hi Everyone. :-) I just found this website - for pick-your-own orchards throughout New Zealand - there are also instructions about a variety of ways of preserving goodies.

juliewn, Jun 13, 6:48am
Hi. hope you're all enjoying the goodies made from summer and autumn harvests. especially nice to enjoy them when it's cold outside.

juliewn, Jun 16, 8:18am
Bumping for rhubarb recipes. :-)

juliewn, Jun 18, 10:02am
. :-)

juliewn, Jun 20, 9:11am
Bumping. :-)

jenna68, Jun 24, 2:25am
Bumping julie's yummy thread!:o)

leon20, Jun 26, 12:38pm
and again bump

juliewn, Jun 27, 8:31am
Hi Everyone. :-) I have some Jerusalem Artichokes. has anyone used them in any pickle, chutney, etc.we love them roasted - after trying to find some for years, then being given a couple of tubers, thankfully they're now growing well. thanks for help.