whitebait pattie recipes please!!!

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fisher, Sep 29, 11:20pm
Poor ole AL BROWN getting a roasting from a staid receipe diehard no imagination chef (cough cough).. sad..
Beaker59 they are probably using the recipe he had on his show in the restaurants you visited..
uli... that sounds absolutely delicious.. will do that next time my mate sends up some from the west coast.. :} whitebait flavour would intense..
Pickled.. go on try Al Brown's recipe.. you know you want to.. LOL..

uli, Sep 30, 3:32am
If you get them big enough to fillet them they are even better. I have never filleted inanga, only anchovies - and they are very easy. So no idea if inanga are easy to fillet or not.

If you want to try: You basically take only your fingers: Pull the head sideways and carefully pull out the intestines out with it. Discard.
Open up cavity with your index finger and flatten the anchovy out, turn over and grab tail and remove all bones in one go. There you have 2 clean fillets about as long as an index finger.

Layer them into a bowl with a flat bottom, skin side down and sprinkle salt over and lime or lemon juice. Keep layering until finished. Cover top with the rinds and weigh down with a brick or jar full of water or similar. I usually use an ice cream container with a second one on top and Dick and Dave (my pet rocks) in that.

If you have some sauerkraut on the go, then use a spoonful of that liquid in between the layers to get it started quicker.

Keep in fridge over night. I used to keep them for a couple of weeks - until eaten. Serve with fresh bread and olive oil.

You can do a similar thing with salmon or any white fish.

pickles7, Sep 30, 3:18pm
You must be whats known to be a, "fish wife" uli?

mamaa, May 2, 2:18pm
Dont forget to take the head off, and gut out... lol