hahahaaha woody... 200g... . yup that's about oks for use northerners. . but these westcoasters have it in bulk to spare with 500g to a kilo to play with. . (I wish)I think the breadcrumbs would be a good idea and the lemon giving them a nice wee tang. . I would be happy to throw 200g at that recipe for a try... Cheers Kran32... many ways to try them but some aren't willing to move forwards in their thinking even supposedly having had a major "enterprise"LOL...
Feb 25, 11:27pm
Yep thats the way to cook them, use Ducks eggs and then you will truly have A good feed!
Feb 25, 11:30pm
Stuff you dezzie I am now craving for A feed of bait, of to the freezer to see if any left
Feb 26, 2:29am
I'm a jaffa and am drooling... so want a true whitebait fritter - why should we have to put up with that manufactured Chinese version? So, so wrong
Feb 26, 2:34am
Where can I buy some? ? ? ? ? So drooling
Feb 26, 3:11am
As a West Coaster that has devoured whitebait all her life, this is absolutely correct. Nothing but 6 fresh eggs, beat well with a little salt and add the 500 grams of West Coast whitebait. Cooking in butter is a MUST.
Feb 26, 4:03am
so which is the "proper", "absolutely correct" way... 6 fresh eggs OR 4 size 6 eggs... a little salt OR 1/2 tsp of salt OR a pinch of salt... . ? ? ? ? ? ?
Feb 26, 10:31am
Fisher you are just not understanding - NZ whitebait has it's own unique taste - have you never eaten it ? The taste of NZ whitebait is lost with the addition of garlic and other herbs. That dry toss is an oldFrench Recipe for their whitebait which is akin to what we know as smelt it is also suitable for supermarket Chinese whitebait which is a freshwater whitebait with no discernible taste of it's own. Westcoast whitebait is also recognised as the best of NZ flavoured whitebait by those who actually catch, cook and eat whitebait and that's why it retails for $100 per kilo. I suggest you buy some and try it then you will understand.
Feb 26, 2:20pm
for goodness sake poster one asked for whitebait recipes not a dictionary explination (sp) on what they are nor how to cook them - we can all share our ideas, thoughts and recipes without speaking to each other in such a manner that is not befitting this part of message board. i would respectfully ask that each poster use basic manners when speaking into others posts and display adult behaviour please - remember this is a public forum and curtisy (sp) costs each of us nothing. Have a blessed day all and take care... Timetable
Feb 26, 8:21pm
mwood... . of course I understand. . do you think that I have never cooked / eaten NZ whitebait many many times and for that matter Chinese tasteless whitebait... ? ? . . once ... :} My concern is simply this. . and it goes for all the purists. . some will simply NOT broaden their outlook... "There is only one way to eat New Zealand whitebait" "a "proper" whitebait fritter""this is absolutely correct" all professing and denoting that no other method or recipe should be considered because that is the staid way they have ALWAYS done it... it's the west coast way... who says. . ? ? Same rubbish goes with bacon and egg pies where they state that one should ONLY put in bacon and eggs and not add any other ingredients. . again. . who says. . ? ? ? If I ate all the fish I catch the same way all the time, I would soon be selling the boat and giving up fishing... It's the VARIETY of methods in cooking fish that keeps me interested. . I agree... minimal eggs and bulk nz whitebait with a little drizzle of lemon juice and shoved in between 2 slices of heavily buttered FRESH bread is magic... but its not the 'ONLY" way to enjoy them... Now do you understand. . :}
Feb 26, 8:28pm
Good grief mwood - you're making us coasters look bad with your rudeness! As I said earlier ... everyone I know has their own 'true blue' pattie recipe ... some with flour, some without, some seperate the eggs, some add herbs ... each to their own I say. I'm no less of a coaster because I enjoy sauteed whitebait.
Another recipe idea from a friend who had a Thai woofer staying is a thai-style omlette filled with whitebait. I haven't tried this but my friend says it was delicious.
Feb 26, 8:42pm
yeah right - you bullshit google experts should try living in the real world LMFAO -ok ? For the record I am a Chef - I have owned many Hotels and Restaurants- I have cooked and sold 1, 000s of meals - I have no problem distinguishing between those who know and those who pose.
Feb 26, 9:37pm
you mean like this one CHEF (cough cough) that you advised for someone wanting a whitebait recipe previously. . LMFAOAROTFL... .
fillet them - roll the fillets in breadcrumbs serve with a squeeze of lemon * Quotemwood (269 )10:56 pm, Mon 5 Oct
Feb 26, 10:03pm
Feb 26, 11:57pm
Struth, I have never tasted a whitebait fritter.
Mar 7, 6:26pm
best kiwi whitebait patties , easy peasy, pound whitebait , eggs beaten little salt and cook them in butter yum yum yum
Mar 7, 7:43pm
Agree. This is the way to get the true whitebait flavour.
Sep 29, 3:44am
up for someone wanting whitebait fritter recipe.
Sep 29, 5:12pm
My fave is similar - called whitebait Puffs 2 eggs separated I tab flour S & P to taste Mix egg yolks & flour through white bait Beat whites until stiff & fold gently through bait mixture & fry in a little butter. [They puff up during cooking]
Sep 29, 5:24pm
whoa - a fight with mwood - and I didn't even post ...
*waves to fisher*
I have fried whitebait often like described in post#2, as I don't like the "omlettey" patty stuff.
I have also fermented them with salt and lime/lemon juice over night - like I used to do anchovies in Italy. Drain and serve with extra virgin olive oil over the top and serve with a salad and some fresh crusty bread ... mmmhhh - now I am hungry.
Sep 29, 6:36pm
no contest... uli,... mwood...is right on this one. No chef in there right mind would even put garlic in the same fridge, as they keep the whitebait.
Sep 29, 6:41pm
Better rush down to Westport then and fire a few chefs as when I was there a few weeks back I had floured whitebait in a resturant and there was definately garlic in there not allot I must say though.
Sep 29, 7:46pm
Would depend on the standard of the Restaurant. Maybe they trained with Jamie.
That is as bad as a cook, cooking fish after oysters.
Sep 29, 8:04pm
Or cooking oysters or haveing slavish rules that lock every thing in the distant past. Or making a fool of yourself with outlandish comments to merely draw attention to yourself. Wasn't it you moaning about someone having slavish rules about the definition of a Pizza along with a few of your idiot mates. Either way is wrong in its own way.
Sep 29, 8:21pm
Attitude.... Get a grip...beaker59... A "chef" has to cook oysters, at times. "job description". pizza??? Only a "cook", would cook garlic anywhere near whitebait, or fish after oysters in the same pan.. ...mwood...Has hit it on the button yeah right - you bullshit google experts should try living in the real world LMFAO - OK ? For the record I am a Chef - I have owned many Hotels and Restaurants - I have cooked and sold 1,000s of meals - I have no problem distinguishing between those who know and those who pose.
Quotemwood (279 )3:42 pm, Sat 27 Feb #37
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