WOW you have been super busy, puts me to shame and yu have a large family.
I can completely sympathise with the anxiety attacks, all I can say is just breathe.... deep breaths helped me when i felt one come on..
But, I cant wait to read what you have baked next...
Nov 13, 9:11pm
bumping up...nearly off the page. Love reading your blog Nik'ee makes me inspired to bake but then I eat it and thats not good for me to put weight on! so if I make a cake I get my husband to take to work so he has cake all week but it only lasts a couple of days, everyone else eats it! I have run out of eggs so baking day will have to be tomorrow after the chooks have laid more.
Nov 16, 12:57am
bump waiting to hear what your upto
Nov 16, 2:00am
I made the chocolate banana yoghurt cake yesterday and it was devine, definately worth making and its quite large so hubby took it to work as I said he would! (dont worry I kept a little bit out for me!) great for a birthday cake if your having a few people.
Nov 18, 12:52am
yum that soundz nice was it easy to make i may have to make it i have bananas in the freezer may keep my hungry boz at bay
Nov 18, 5:36am
really easy, I did it all in the mixer except for the flour which I folded in...and freezers really well too.
Nov 18, 5:32pm
Hi Nik'ee.. Thanks for posting - it's always interesting to read your posts.. have a wonderful weekend.. :-)
Nov 21, 4:30am
hi Nik'ee here I have been making some great recipes,lots and lots of Bread, I love making bread the kneeding of it the rising of it, the delighted look on my kids faces when they see how yeast,flour,little oil makes bread just like the shops only better.I am up to about 50 recipes now WOW, Ive kept making bread even though ive already completed them in my project. I made a pizza yeast base and put the toppings on the the recipe recomended---YUCK, Ill not do that again, it had sweet pickel,plain yogurt,cucumber,and chicken bits, Lucky I made the kids bases with normal pizza toppings. Bagles with great to make you have to put the dough into sweet boiling water for 30 sec before putting them on the oven tray to bake, a list of what ive completed is Pizzas, bagles,cornbread,focaccia bread,chelsea buns,madeira cake,orange cake,semolina cake(this was not the nicest tasting--it was unusual), Chicken paprika. I will try and blog more often, Just siting down to type is very hard most days, I tend to start to get anxious just thinking about how I will concentrate to do it, but I got on now and im feeling alittle proud that Ive bloged, Im off to bed now hopefully for some sleep, thanks heaps to everyone out there in recipe land, my love Nik'ee B.
Nov 21, 7:43am
Hi Nik'ee.. I agree.. there's something special about making our own bread..
Wow.. 50 recipes now.. you're well on your way through the book..
The Edmonds Madeira Cake is my favourite Madeira cake.. though it's possibly because I add the rind and juice of an extra lemon.. truly delicious..
Thanks for sharing your journey with us all here.. hope you're having a great sleep..
Nov 25, 1:13am
ha your pizza toppins soundz yuck just keep it up you aredoing well.
Nov 25, 1:39pm
Well done on the bagels Nik'ee - I've tried twice and both times were a total disaster.The pizza does sound awful though but you never know until you try do you?
Nov 28, 8:22pm
Nov 29, 4:03am
i have just stumbled across your thread.I had thought about doing the same thing but i would end up the size of a house with all the baking-theres only me the boyfriend and our two cats (who love baking too).I decided yesterday to cook my way through my weight watchers cook books-so far both receipes for dinner have been delicious!
Nik'ee B you are a legend!Thankyou for making me laugh with your descriptions and i feel your disappointment when something doesnt turn out how you want-I made a cake for my birthday last tuesday and it all stuck to the tin-knew I should have used the other one....
Best of luck with your quest, I will be following it every few days :) xx
Dec 4, 3:00am
Where are you waiting to hear about what you have been upto.
Dec 5, 8:00am
Bumping and looking forward to reading your next post when you have time to add one here..
Dec 12, 8:37pm
Hay not looking to good in here on page 4 come on i kinow thta you have been cooking, you need to tell your little ones to help you write your blog.
Dec 24, 2:49pm
Merry Christmas Nik'ee. Hope you've found time and energy to do lots of baking and cooking and the results are brilliant :)
Have missed your blogs, but do hope you're doing okay :)
Dec 26, 6:37am
Hi Nik'ee.. hope you're well and your family are too.. bumping till you have time to add another post here.. best wishes..
Jan 2, 10:17pm
hi everyone its been soo long since i have blogged, I did christmas baking I made chistmas mince pies and adding a few ingrediants myself I put fresh raspberry from our neighbur she grows them and for a touch of green i added pumkin seeds,everyone who eat them saidhow yummy and different they were. I made a butter cake as our familys christmas cake i put spices in it to make it more christmas'ie and on the top i dyed with red and green food colouring and sprinkeled that on the top along with some fake holly, it was a ring cake with hole in the middle so in the middle i put some of those raspberrys in the hole it looked great and kids loved it.Then i had to make a christmas fruit cake as a 70th birthday cake for my dad, this cake took about 4 hours to make and bake, for good luck all my kids and me stired it.I can use all the luck i can get,I havent been feeling great lately,I know this may seem silly but even driving our manual car(which i have done for years)I even get so anixous that im not going to get up to 4th quick enough,so hopefully new year beter year. Im going to swap to the baking edmonds book i enjoy the baking side much more and lot of the meal dishes we just cant afford,im sure there will be people out there who can relate to that. Blogg u all soon lots of love Nik'ee.
Jan 2, 10:17pm
hi everyone its been soo long since i have blogged, I did christmas baking I made chistmas mince pies and adding a few ingrediants myself I put fresh raspberry from our neighbur she grows them and for a touch of green i added pumkin seeds,everyone who eat them saidhow yummy and different they were. I made a butter cake as our familys christmas cake i put spices in it to make it more christmas'ie and on the top i dyed with red and green food colouring and sprinkeled that on the top along with some fake holly, it was a ring cake with hole in the middle so in the middle i put some of those raspberrys in the hole it looked great and kids loved it.Then i had to make a christmas fruit cake as a 70th birthday cake for my dad, this cake took about 4 hours to make and bake, for good luck all my kids and me stired it.I can use all the luck i can get,I havent been feeling great lately,I know this may seem silly but even driving our manual car(which i have done for years)I even get so anixous that im not going to get up to 4th quick enough,so hopefully new year beter year. Im going to swap to the baking edmonds book i enjoy the baking side much more and lot of the meal dishes we just cant afford,im sure there will be people out there who can relate to that. Blogg u all soon lots of love Nik'ee.
Jan 3, 12:56pm
Keep it up Nik"ee ,you make me feel rather,useless.You are trying,to improve and doing something about it.You may even motivate me yet...Lyn
Jan 3, 12:56pm
Keep it up Nik"ee ,you make me feel rather,useless.You are trying,to improve and doing something about it.You may even motivate me yet.Lyn
Jan 3, 9:15pm
It is great to see your post Nik'ee - your children will be loving all they're seeing you make - hope they help you make the recipes too!
Happy New Year!
Jan 3, 9:15pm
It is great to see your post Nik'ee - your children will be loving all they're seeing you make - hope they help you make the recipes too!
Happy New Year!
Feb 5, 11:09pm
Hi everyone Im so sorry its been so long since i last blogged, im going to try and make a big effect to blogg more. Well im been busy over the last cupple of days ive completted 4 baking projects, firstly i made 2 batches of biscuts, I wanted to bake for a friend of mine and her family, I had an appointment that day at 10.30am and i starting baking after i dropped my younger 4 kids off to school at 8.30am, I got them(honey snaps) in the oven only got the first tray baked then i had to turn the oven and drive my oldest Daughter to High School(QEC, great small high school in palmerston north), droped her off at 9.15am only just made it there in time had to wait keep biscuits in oven as long as i could, then on the way way home i need an ingrediant for the second biscuits(yoghurt covered raisin biscuits) i needed the yoghurt raisins, I called into woolworths supermarket, they didnt have them they said the bulk shop across the road would have them,i was pleased hadnt thought of that shop, all the time looking at the time thinking i need to get home and bake, I found them put some in a bag and proceeded to the checkout, well i stood there with my bag in hand,there was a guy in front of me with just a bottle of milk but the person in front of him had about 50 bags of stuff to be weighed and payed for,im sure many of my readers have had this happen to them too, i stood there and stood there thinking of my baking and the time,1 person serving,if i didnt need them so much i would have walked away. I got home finished the honey snaps,smells of honey filled the room yum, i made big biscuits i like doing that. the second biscuits the yoghurt raisin ones,they were neat to bake the raisins were big and it was quite hard getting them to stay in the mixture when i rolled them into balls,just as well i was planning to do them giant i need to to get the raisins to stay,the yoghurt melted into the biscuits,they were interesting. I tryed them both they were nice, sweet,The last of the biscuits came out and i turned the oven off at 10.25am, 5mins before my appointment yeh yeh.As i was baking i had my MP3 player on through my stereo,i had my highest plattform heels on dancing as i baked, im a big New Zealand music fan, I love J Williams, dane Rumble, Zowie, Kids of 88, i could go on and on, j Williams,dane rumble i would love to meet you,If you need a new lady to star in a music video im available(im six feet tall in heels and thin)I can dream I guess LOL. But one thing I would like to say is im so Upset about what TVNZ is doing to C4, as i type right now its no longer they have turned it into a normal channel like 1,2,3 etc, I im going to be emailing TVNZ and telling them what I think of what they have done, please my readers if you love music tell TVNZ what you think. If it wasnt for C4 I wouldnt have heard about hardly any of songs, what will this cut do to NZ music! This blogg is to be contunied very soon hopefully tonight.
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