Hi Nik'ee.. I was just thinking of you, looked for your thread and here 'tis.. cool to dance and sing while you made your goodies.. great to have fun!
Your biscuits sound lovely - I haven't tried either of those recipes.. will check them out.. thanks..
I think it's TV3 who have C4 - or 'Four' as it's now being called..
My Daughter and I went to the 'I Love the Islands' Concert at Vector Arena in Auckland - some of the artists you mention were there, everyone performing to raise funds for the Pacific Islands hit by the tsunami - a fantastic show - one of the best we've been to. Camera's were filming that night.. would be great if a DVD was made from it.
Best wishes for your baking this year Nik'ee.. I'm looking forward to reading of your successes and the goodies you'll make..
Feb 7, 9:05am
Hi Nik'ee. I was just thinking of you, looked for your thread and here 'tis. cool to dance and sing while you made your goodies. great to have fun!
Your biscuits sound lovely - I haven't tried either of those recipes. will check them out. thanks.
I think it's TV3 who have C4 - or 'Four' as it's now being called.
My Daughter and I went to the 'I Love the Islands' Concert at Vector Arena in Auckland - some of the artists you mention were there, everyone performing to raise funds for the Pacific Islands hit by the tsunami - a fantastic show - one of the best we've been to. Camera's were filming that night. would be great if a DVD was made from it.
Best wishes for your baking this year Nik'ee. I'm looking forward to reading of your successes and the goodies you'll make.
Feb 7, 10:24pm
good stuff nikee, keep up the yum baking :)
Mar 7, 12:53am
Hi Nik'ee.. hope all is well for you..:-)
Mar 8, 12:53am
Hi Nik'ee. hope all is well for you.:-)
Apr 24, 6:49pm
what a fantastic thread, thankyou Nik'eeplease keep blogging, i use to love cooking and bakingbut thru ms find it very hard - so i enjoy reading your blog and "seeing" you do your thing,you write so vividly.
Apr 25, 7:02am
I friend of mine has just done this and just been on tv about it - perhaps your husband would like to include more than one person - my friend Marty Smith cooked his way through approx 135 recipes from the Kiwi Beer Lovers Cookbook and this then grew into Chefs for Compassion - he has recently completed all the recipes and Chefs for Compassion is going strong partnered through Salvation Army - he also has his own blog/website which you can google - every fortnight they cook for a family in need - he also has twins (hmmmm didn't even think of that cool link to your family Nik'ee till just now) and they are involved with helping him cook and deliver the meals - it has expanded throughout the country and he has other people now cooking and also sometimes donating ingredients etc - perhaps if interested Nik'ee you could cook for others to help reach your goal and maybe others could donate ingredients???
Apr 25, 6:49pm
what a fantastic thread, thankyou Nik'eeplease keep blogging, i use to love cooking and bakingbut thru ms find it very hard - so i enjoy reading your blog and "seeing" you do your thing,you write so vividly.
Apr 26, 7:02am
I friend of mine has just done this and just been on tv about it - perhaps your husband would like to include more than one person - my friend Marty Smith cooked his way through approx 135 recipes from the Kiwi Beer Lovers Cookbook and this then grew into Chefs for Compassion - he has recently completed all the recipes and Chefs for Compassion is going strong partnered through Salvation Army - he also has his own blog/website which you can google - every fortnight they cook for a family in need - he also has twins (hmmmm didn't even think of that cool link to your family Nik'ee till just now) and they are involved with helping him cook and deliver the meals - it has expanded throughout the country and he has other people now cooking and also sometimes donating ingredients etc - perhaps if interested Nik'ee you could cook for others to help reach your goal and maybe others could donate ingredients!
May 3, 11:29pm
Does anyone know what happened to Nikki! This is almost a year old now and thought of her a few days ago. Hope she is ok!
May 3, 11:32pm
Appears to be trading regularly.Maybe the project was just too big.
May 3, 11:33pm
She last logged on 25th April
May 4, 12:02am
I've been thinking of her too. hope all is well for her and her family.
May 5, 6:28am
Bumping too for Nik'ee.. hope you're well..
May 6, 6:28am
Bumping too for Nik'ee. hope you're well.
May 23, 5:23pm
Just an idea Nikki to keep costs down ie electricity ingredients,why dont you set something up with friends or neighbours to cook at their place,would be lots of fun and so good for you that way they get a share of the goodies and help out with the financial load,goodluck,im off work at the moment due to Albany tornado,and to cheer myself up check your thread everyday
Sep 26, 2:19am
Hi im Nik'ee & I love cookin,I'm a NZ lady thru & thru I grew up with the Edmonds cookbook I luv it,I will be cookin its 223 recipes.Inspired by the movie Julie&juila, I hav decided 2 giv myself this project of cookin thru every recipe inside this gr8 book,my time limit will be 12 months.I suffer with BPD & I have bad days often with food,but I know this project will behealin 4 me & just what I need 2 give myself importance,my Hubby & 5 kids will love 2 eat the food. PLEASE GET ONLINE AND SUPPORT ME>Thanx.
Sep 26, 3:14am
Hey. what a cool idea. what you should do is keep us updated with what you're making and what your next recipe will be. go hard and cook!
Sep 26, 3:20am
Hiya. What a fab idea, I love it. You know, just thinking about your statement about giving yourself importance. You are a mum to 5 kids, and thats a really important Job, completely valid and so worthy of anyones respect.
I look forward to seeing your results, how are you going to format it!
Sep 26, 8:57am
Yes. let us know what you're making. you could turn this thread into a kind of blog.
Good luck :-)
Sep 26, 2:35pm
I'll support you for sure - what version of the book are you using!Personally, I prefer the older versions although they did bring one out a couple of years back that contained readers favourites - many of which do not appear in the newer books.I found out that my Mum's Christmas pudding originally came from and Edmonds book as it was in that specially released one.Recipes also came with readers stories - its great if you can get hold of it.
Sep 26, 4:22pm
Nik'ee - where can we follow your progress! Do you have a blog or ! Please post us a link here & good luck! :)
Sep 26, 7:54pm
Good luck Nik'ee but as a amother of five, including by the look of your username, twins, you are already super important and probably super hard worked.
Sep 26, 8:25pm
Keen to know which version you are using. I have one with a section using processed foods. Don't see much logic in knocking up those sorts of foods myself but all the rest is fine I suppose.My older version also has the original pavlova recipe. The later versions have cornflour and other additives which don't do much forpavlova IMO.
I'm a bit worried though. Most of the recipes are sweet and sugar based such as cakes, biscuits and desserts, etc. I do hope you can control your and your family's waistlines while you undertake your project!Julia Child wrote a book mainly about learning to cook meats, stock, vegetables, sauces, pate and other staples of French Cuisine.
Sep 26, 8:30pm
It is a great idea. can I suggest that you find an old cookbook though as I have found that some of the measurements in the new one don't always work out so well in the of the recipes. Maybe it's just me.
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