What to make for dinner with Bacon?

vixen09, Sep 9, 9:24pm
hey I have got bacon out for dinner have 4slices and there are 2 of us to feed am just wondering what I can make with it that is easy but different from bacon, eggs and chips or bacon and egg sandwiches thanks in advance

ashanti, Sep 9, 9:37pm
i am making bacon and egg pie tonight, as I forgot to get anything else out to defrost.

button.nose, Sep 9, 11:46pm
im going to be making bacon and tomato pasta

kimkat1, Sep 10, 12:21am
We are having Bacon Burgers... with the works.

darlingmole, Sep 10, 12:46am
how about frying the bacon up with some garlic and onions and mushrooms and stirring incream (reduce) and some parmason - toss in some cooked pasta at the end

motorbo, Sep 10, 1:37am
not alot of bacon, so maybe a fried rice

karenz, Mar 9, 6:14am
If you have a tin of tomatoes, onions and garlic and some pasta, cook the onions and garlic in oil, chop the bacon into bite size pieces and cook that, add tin of tomatoes, you can also add an vegetables you might have, fresh or frozen to pad it out a bit, reduce and serve over pasta, or mix it through pasta and grate cheese (if you have some) over the top and bake.