Cakes rise in the middle... What's wrong with my jam? Help with vodka jellies please! Best ask pam or sam.
Have just bought some tofu... Put it in the bin! Next time hope a vegie type Beats the meaties in ;)
Favourite pizza topping? Make them thin and spare; Moi has been to Italy They do them proper there.
Help! corn beef in crock pot! Best cut for roast pork? Got bacon out for dinner... All this foodie talk!
Knives are out and flashing - Authentic or ersatz? Out come packet-bashers; In come poison darts.
Helpful posters tune in; Not all like to bite. Like all kitchens everywhere Equal heat and light ;)
Feb 20, 10:03pm
Ode? I don't think so. Look it up.
This is doggerel. Look it up.
Feb 20, 10:06pm
"In come poison darts... . "
Feb 20, 10:23pm
Who could resist such an easy target?
Feb 20, 10:30pm
"Moi has been to Italy... "
Feb 20, 10:36pm
Idiotic - pizza is "made in" Italy - that is where it was invented - LOL :) broaden your horizon girl - you have all of Sunday to do it ...
Feb 20, 10:39pm
"Knives are out and flashing... "
Feb 20, 10:45pm
I think its funny! Nicely done
Feb 20, 10:47pm
In your imagination only.
Feb 20, 11:04pm
Goodness !
In Recipes? Could you be any more nasty?
Thank you # 1 - I enjoyed it anyway
Feb 20, 11:06pm
"Not all like to bite... "
Feb 20, 11:14pm
elliehen ~ that was cool! I enjoyed it ... and I personally wouldn't know the difference from an ode to a haiku but I enjoyed it nevertheless
Feb 20, 11:20pm
ps: just looked up ~
ode: n, a poem expressing noble feelings, often addressed to a person or celebrating an event.
doggerel: n, bad verse.
So davidt4 ... surely it's only a bad verse in someone's opinion and not everyone elses?
Feb 20, 11:29pm
Hi darlingmole. This is not really the place for an English lesson, but an ode is a verse form that observes a particular structure (as does a haiku, which you mentioned earlier). elliehen's effort above does not conform to any of the accepted ode formats.
Feb 20, 11:32pm
hi davidt4 ... yes I know but my point was that it's only opinion that ellliehens "poem" was doggerel because there are a few who actually enjoyed it (far better than what I could manage that's for sure! )
Feb 20, 11:34pm
I like parts of it to be honest elliehen, quite cleverly done.
However the not so subtle stabs at certain posters? Are those the 'poison darts' your talking about? You should really stop being so immature.
Feb 20, 11:40pm
darlingmole, thank you for your generosity of spirit. After all this is not Eng Lit 101.
As indy95 quoted in her thread 'Maxims for Dedicated Cooks': "No mean cook can cook well; it calls for a generous spirit, a light hand and a large heart. "
Feb 21, 12:05am
Maybe that is where you could take a leaf out of ...
Feb 21, 12:14am
uli, just for you:
"Zum neuen Jahr, die besten Wunsche" - mit umlaut ;)
Feb 21, 12:20am
*rolls eyes* same old, same old huh?
I thought it was quite funny elliehen
Feb 21, 12:21am
I like it! ... . its a nice poem ... why davidt4/Helen has her claws out no-one knows . . might be the english professor in her?
Feb 21, 12:48am
Might also be that we have a gutsfull of elliehen giving flaming remarks here - but no recipe help whatsoever - even if prompted by several people on here in a very nice way ... just a loser as far as I am concerned now.
Sorry to say but I thought much more of you elliehen in the beginning. But there is absolutely nothing forthcoming in the way of any help on these boards - you are just trying to get us all angry and upset against each other.
I for one will not answer any of your queries and stupid remarks from now on - may you have "fun" with other gullible people on here.
Feb 21, 12:51am
That's better! Thought it had been a quiet and tame around here lately!
Feb 21, 12:53am
Oh nooooooooooooooo - not again! I was just saying to a fellow colleague the other day (who never posts but follows) how lovely it has been lately with no sign of any of this! ! ! ! ! ! Oh well - it was lovely while it lasted. I thought the #1 posting - whatever it is to be called quite clever and light hearted for a Sun.
Feb 21, 1:12am
Thanks, maynard9, for taking my ode/doggerel/verse-or-worse in the spirit in which it was intended. On a sunny Sunday the Recipes MB doesn't merit those very few sour and humourless posts.
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