WOW call this "evasive" if you like LOLOL :) I have yet to see anything under YOUR personal name ellie - there is lots under my personal name online - you might not be clever enough to find it though LOL :)
So even a simple question like "Fat free or Sugar free - Which one would you pick? Which would be best to avoid? " sends you into the above frenzy?
I wonder what you have to hide? To not be able to answer such a simple question and to keep trying to put people down who do - is very very suspicious to me ... but then that's ok too :)
Jul 27, 11:51pm
uli, you can LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL all over the boards as much as you like ... the 'frenzy' of reforming zeal is all on your side.
Jul 27, 11:53pm
First place for most "evasive" and "stupid" post for the day goes to you :)
Jul 28, 12:01am
For that little offering, read "refuses to be bullied".
Jul 28, 12:03am
uli means "mistress of all" in Germany, elliehen. I think the unfortunate one took it literally and is lolling herself silly as we speak.
Jul 28, 3:39am
Yep that is right - I refuse to be bullied - great that you finally agree to it LOL :)
Jul 28, 3:40am
Back to that language course for you hezwez - sorry to say that you just failed the grade ...
Jul 28, 5:35am
It's also a synonym for 'Harpy' in Greek mythology.
Jul 28, 12:08pm
You asked me what was I moderate in and I said to both fat and sugar. How can one be moderate in being fat free and sugar free?
Have fun with the following Constipation 68% Headache 60% Bad breath 38% Muscle cramps 35% Diarrhea 23% General weakness 25%
Thats the percentage of people on Low carb or no carb diets that get those symptoms.
For more information from doctors on your unsafe eating habits read this and weep
Jul 28, 1:34pm
I can't see that poster #1 asked anything about low carb. She asked fat free or sugar free and which one would you avoid. There's no shame involved in answering her - just a simple poll I would have thought. Do you have as much difficulty deciding who to vote for?
Jul 28, 1:48pm
I was not answering the original poster, I was answering Uli. So perhaps you should go and practice your comprehension skills.
Jul 28, 2:09pm
I thought you answered quite well on the other page actually Ferita - no criticism of you. Perhaps I'll venture to answer for the others. I think their answer would be that they sit somewhere in the middle - they are neither fat free nor sugar free. They use fats as in olive oil and vegetable oils, maybe butter too and they eat things with sugar in as well as fructose in fruits and sweet veges. There, not too hard is it?
Now if poster #1 wanted to know which type of product you'd opt for - fat free or sugar free - I'm sorry I can't answer that as I don't know how much processed food they buy.
Righto - this is now getting boring so tata, off to work.
Jul 28, 3:41pm
Some people may have some of those symptoms while their bodies convert from one kind of energy to another kind of energy source, it can last a couple of days while your body adapts. This isVERY temporary. You are, after all, asking your body to make a BIG jump from feeding it one way to a totally different way. I, for one, never had any of the symptoms over the many years I have been low-carbing.
Can I ask you a pesonal question. This is not intended as a stir at all. It is just the kind of things you say and what you communicatemakes me wonder.
The believes you state often starts in the moral (Lisa Simpson) teen years, lots of us has been there. Then go on through the twentiesbut by the thirties that nasty thing called reality catch up with us. How old are you?
Jul 28, 7:20pm
bedazzledjewels, you surprise me. After telling others what to think for so long, has the low carb sorority (often referred to as 'we' by uli) now decided to tell me and others what to say? ? ?
Jul 28, 9:18pm
You seem to be overcome by some other syndrome ellie - "the us and them" - sorry to say but we are all individuals - and if you try and lump everybody conveniently together - then you might have another problem on your hands soon - now that buzzy is taking a "holiday" by the looks ...
Jul 28, 10:04pm
I was only wondering the other day where buzzy was uli.
Jul 28, 11:42pm
Here's a challenge, uli.
I always speak only for myself, yet you usually speak as 'we'. If you can find a post where I speak as 'we' for anybody else, I will donate an interesting book to you (and make an equivalent financial donation to the cause of dyslexia).
Just have a scroll through this thread alone and see how many times you use the word 'we' and speak for nebulous others.
If the syndrome you describe exists, then I'm afraid you are the sufferer, poor gal. Take a cup of Alpine tea.
Jul 29, 1:53am
What beliefs are they? The rational belief that moderation is the key to being healthy? Or the rational belief that low carb diets are dangerous and that copius amounts of animal fats are bad for you.
This is not a moral belief, this is a rational belief backed up by the New Zealand heart foundation, the World Health Organisation, Doctors and Nutritionists all over the world.
I am a vegetarian but I dont push vegetarianism onto anyone and it defiantly is not a moral issue. I have worked in meat factories in my youth and go fishing a few times a week.
The rational thinkers are getting sick of the low carb people invading every thread and pushing there fringe pseudo scientific agenda. We cannot even have a vegetarian thread without some idiot coming in and telling us to eat meat.
Im not even going to answer how old I am. It is a lot older then you think
Dec 8, 5:52am
Sorry Ferita, I thought you were a moral vegetarian. (you came across as a moral person) I have never been on any vegetarian threads, and have nothing to gain from changing the way you eat:low fat, high carb, high sugar - or not.
Have you ever tried to eat "copius amounts of animal fats" it is almost impossible as (natural) fat is self regulating.
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