You can have heaps of Veges and never consume too much fructose, you can even have ample fruit. HFCS is biochemically the same as sugar, just sweeter. As dr Lustig said many times. It is not that HFCS is more evil than sugar, it is just sweeter per gram. They are both bad for you. Naturally small amounts of fructose can be handeled by the body, just as it can handle moderate alcohol intake. It is about the huge amounts we consume raw in drinks and inside most prosessed foods.
It is just MY choice to consume the taste "sweet" very sparingly, I know its not everybody choice.
Jul 27, 1:09am
I understand what you say about everything in moderation carbon trader. I personally am trying to cut out a lot of fructose from my diet. I'm not doing this by avoiding fruits and veges. I have lowered the amounts of fruit I eat (as I used to eat friut excessively), but mainly I'm trying to avoid the fructose in things like fruit juice (where you are not benefitting from the fibre), soft drinks, many breakfast cereal, yoghurts, etc that have high levels of sugar. I have a very sweet tooth, and if I eat a little sweet, I want more and more.
Jul 27, 1:33am
Sugar heavily reduced but not entirely free yet, moderate amounts of fat.
Jul 27, 2:19am
In that case Ihope you are also cutting out Potato's, Watermelon, whole wheat products, basmati rice, sweet potato, table sugar, corn flakes, rice cakes, croissants, white bread, extruded breakfast cereals, most white rices (e. g. jasmine and long grain) as they are all Med- High GI index foods.
Jul 27, 3:20am
Very well said!
I wonder how many 'closet eaters' there are among those who ban things?
Jul 27, 3:51am
Sugar free thanks.
I've tried eating low-fat. Was always hungry.
Finally I tried eating low-sugar. Didn't keep track of the fat or protein - but was happily satisfied and not tempted to overeat, and have started losing my excess body fat.
Jul 27, 4:24am
have never eaten a closet but must confess to eating a Mars Bar in the bath one day and then trying to flush the wrapper away! !
Jul 27, 4:25am
Yep - and in addition I also do not eat bread, brown rice, pulses, potatoes, pasta and corn :)
The only exception is the occasional sourdough bread I bake and some pumpkin.
And do you know what - I feel much better for it. maybe you want to try it one day :)
Jul 27, 7:00am
Everyone who is on a so-called 'diet' seems to be more off it than on it, judging by the angst in the diet threads about all the personal lapses :)
Half the world eats to live and the other half lives to eat.
Jul 27, 1:19pm
What about you Elliehen and Ferita? You both forgot to mention your choice of answer. Sugar free or fat free?
Jul 27, 2:51pm
Moderation is the key. A great site though is
Jul 27, 5:11pm
definitely sugar free... . fat is good for you!
Jul 27, 6:03pm
sugar free - empty calories...
At least fat has a purpose.
Jul 27, 9:18pm
To what? Fat free or sugar free?
Jul 27, 9:19pm
Great waffling - so what is it - fat free or sugar free ellie?
Jul 27, 10:30pm
fat is known to collect toxins and posions which enter the body.
Jul 27, 10:32pm
So which do you opt for Cookessentials?
Jul 27, 11:00pm
yeah well - that is why I grow my own or buy organic - no toxins enter any of my fatty meats LOL :)
And again, keeping to the topic - what is it cooks? Sugar or fats?
Isn't it amazing that all three of you ferita, ellie and cooks - just keep on waffling - instead of posting something with substance ?
Like I prefer sugar to fat - or I prefer fat to sugar ...
Come on guys - out yourselves ... we know so much about you by now - this is the least of your problems LOL :)
Jul 27, 11:09pm
To both. Unlike yourself I am not a fanatic, even though I am a vegetarian I will eat animal fat at times. I also eat carbohydrates.
Jul 27, 11:17pm
Oh - one learns something about oneself all the time - I never knew I am a fanatic LOL :) Good to know though - thanks for telling me ...
So you have neither sugar nor fat? Now that could be interesting. How long have you been living on this no-fat diet?
edited for typos.
Jul 27, 11:19pm
uli... you will note that there is ONE post from me in this thread... unless of course, YOU can see any more? ? ? I made a comment. Remember that not everyone here that prefers fat to sugar eats organic meat. For me, I have no probem with eating fat and I also have no problem occasionally having sugar ( I say occasionally) For those who follow the plenty of fat and less or no carbs for weight loss, are actually a little off beam... . yes, less carbs help one lose weight, for a time, then you will stabilise ( and I have seen a vast number of those people moaning that they now cannot shift the weight or feel as if they are a bit glugged up by fat and have reduced their intake for a time) this is because they are, in fact having far too much fat in their diet. If they want to follow the regime to lose weight, then they need to actually reduce the amount of fat and protein that they eat for this to happen. That is where there is alot of confusion with lo-carb regimes. Uli, if you wish to continue to be rude and antagonistic, be my guest, you only continue to show yourself up.
Jul 27, 11:23pm
Gosh, it was just a simple question that poster #1 asked! She didn't say anything about weightloss. Cooks it sounds like you probably vere more towards fat than sugar.
Jul 27, 11:28pm
I guess we should not "assume" - so cooks what is it for you - fat or sugar?
Geee _ I never thought such a simple question would produce such a multitude of evasive action ... LOL :)
Jul 27, 11:29pm
I realise that BD, however, you must admit that the number of people ( including those who have posted here) do follow the low carb-high fat regime in order to lose weight. For me, yes, probably more fat than sugars I think, although, I will have something that is high in sugar on occasion ( such has home baked) but not too often. Some low-carb plans provide insufficient carbohydrates and permit excessive fat-intake, including saturated fat. The best type of low-carb diet provides a reasonable amount of 'healthy' carbohydrate and a moderate amount of healthy (ie. unsaturated) fat.
Jul 27, 11:36pm
? ? ? ? ? ?
I personally see no need to reinvent the wheel by 'debating' this topic with anonymous people, and I especially see no need to haemorrhage personal details all over the messageboard.
This is an online trading website, with the side-show of a traders' forum on which I occasionally post an anonymous opinion, like any other anonymous poster.
uli, the day that you post an opinion under your real name I might possibly be impressed ;)
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