Which one would you pick? Which would be best to avoid?
Jul 26, 11:05pm
sugar free
Jul 26, 11:11pm
sugar free definitely :) sugar is responsible for too many illnesses/issues with the human body for my liking, so none for me thanks! Yay for fat!
Jul 26, 11:14pm
Neither! Avoid both...
Just eat anything in moderation within a balanced diet and just adopt a sensible lifestyle. That is what people did 50+ years ago as there was no such thing as a low fat/lite/sugar free industry to con everyone.
Jul 26, 11:16pm
Well its a bit hard these days. It's either one or the other.
Jul 26, 11:19pm
Sugar free - full fat
Jul 26, 11:20pm
it would depend on if you had a medical condition, diabetes then sugar free, liver disease then fat free, if neither then it would depend if it was a main meal or a snack, if a snack then fat free, if a main then sugar free, no real reason just my choice.
Jul 26, 11:22pm
Just thinking about occasional treats - puddings or baking.
Jul 26, 11:23pm
Sugar free for me! We had natural fat in our diets since the beginning of time. Sugar except for some small wild fruit in season and the very occational honey find is a very recent ingredient in our diets.
Jul 26, 11:25pm
puddings or baking i would expect to be sweet so not sugar free, although there are alot of sugar substitues, so could be. hmmm, probably sugar free ( but use a sugar replacement), as i cant imagine any pudding or baking being yum without both sweetness and fat. There probably are tons of things but at the moment i cant think of any.
Jul 26, 11:40pm
Sugar free for me too, and only natural fats.
Jul 26, 11:58pm
Can I suggest reading 'Sweet Poison' by David Gillespie. Very interesting reading (I got it out of the library)Really made me question a lot of 'healthy food' information!
Jul 26, 11:58pm
Neither. Everything is moderation is the real key to successful nutritional balance and dietary management .
Jul 27, 12:06am
The book Sweet Poison explains how sugar is part glucose and part fructose. It is the fructose that is something to avoid. He explains it in an everyday language and it is a real eye opener.
Jul 27, 12:08am
You do know everytime you eat fruit and veges you are eating fructose, so are you advocating people avoid Fruit and Veges?
Jul 27, 12:10am
Definitely avoiding fruit except a few berries and all root veges here.
Jul 27, 12:15am
Yet the GI index for natural fructose is on 19, compared to 69 for sucrose. . Fructose is not as bad as people are "lead to believe"
Jul 27, 12:18am
wait till the low carb, pro animal fat crew arrive. They will put you all in your place by quoting psuedo science and propaganda.
Jul 27, 12:20am
Moderation in both would be my advice! I avoid fat because I do not like it so an easy personal choice, but you do need some fat in your diet.
Jul 27, 12:21am
Fructose is not problematic because of a high GI, as you said it's very low, that is true. The problem with fructose is that it acts like a poison in your body and needs to be processed by the liver. The best way to understand the bio-chemical problems of fructose is to look at the lecture "sugar the bitter truth" by dr Lustig. It is on youtube, or like somebody mentioned above, read the book Sweet poison.
Jul 27, 12:28am
Dr Lustig is widely quoted in a New York Times article today too. But hey, everyone does what they think's best. Seems to me that sugar is starting to come in for a lot more criticism lately.
Jul 27, 12:34am
Got the link bedazzledjewels?
Jul 27, 12:45am
Hopefully I've got the correct link
http://sweetpoison.com. au/? page_id=292
Jul 27, 12:51am
well, for a start anyone quoting "sweet poison" is undermining their validity as that book is still highly contentious and subject to many contradictory scientific arguments. Be careful what you subscribe to from an unvalidated youtube posting.
"Naturally occurring Fructose" is NOT a poison. . lets get that straight as well.
Lustig is referring to HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP in large quantities throughout a prolonged period. he is not referring to naturally occurring Fructose in fruits and Vegetables.
As i Said. . everything in moderation
Jul 27, 12:58am
I'll take the fat - you can keep your sugar.
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