Jaffa cheesecake help

barbara148, Feb 18, 12:50am
Please anyone with a recipie for jaffa cheesecake? I've been experimenting for ages after sampling one at a cafe. The cook wont devolge her recipie. Would appreciate any help. Have got the orange flavour by adding a whole orange, but can't get the choc right.

245sam, Feb 18, 12:56am
barbara148, have a look at:-

http://trademecooks.net.nz/viewtopic. php? f=19&t=483

I don't think there's a Jaffa Cheesecake recipe there but hopefully you might get some help re the chocolate part of the jaffa flavouring. :-))

barbara148, Feb 18, 1:40am
Thanks for that, wow there is heaps, but alas no jaffa. This is a challange. Cheers

unknowndisorder, Feb 18, 1:46am
If you do a google search, there seems to be plenty there.
http://www.taste.com. au/recipes/20484/marbled+jaffa+cheeseca
http://www.homelife.com. au/food/1373/marbled+jaffa+cheesecak
are a couple near the top.

barbara148, Feb 18, 2:05am
These 2 are similar to what i've tried, Thank you. I shall keep on adapting till i get it. I would rather not use the Grand Marnier as they suggest, its so expensive. The one i sampled had none. Cheers

margyr, Feb 18, 2:09am
being as you sampled it in a cafe, the chef quite possibly used a packet to get the jaffa flavour, try a jaffa instant pudding or jaffa mousse if you can get one and use that in whatever cheescake you are making. the purists will all be going blerk i know, but also know some of the tricks of the trade.

barbara148, Aug 17, 2:13pm
OHH you sweet thing! ! ! Thats proberbly it. I know there must be some key ing i'm missing. Shall try it asap. Thanks