I made some banana choc chip muffins which look great with great texture but they have an after taste. I can only think its the baking soda . . recipes calls for one teaspoon soda and one teaspoon baking powder. Has anyone else experienced this? The recipe has 1 3/4 cup flour so i'm thinking I could try just adding 2 teaspoons of powder next time? What do you think? The dry ingredients were all sifted etc before adding with the wet.
Jul 3, 2:07pm
Hi, most banana muffins do only use baking powder, so I would try that and I think you will be fine. My understanding is that you use baking soda as the raising agent where you have an acidic ingredient (eg in apple muffins). I have a recipe for nashi muffins that always had an 'aftertaste', so I dropped the baking soda and substituted powder, they work just fine. Good luck :-)
Jul 3, 4:55pm
Baking soda is better if dissolved with say the milk before adding. I always measure the soda into the palm of my hand, squash it with the back of a teaspoon, then re-measure it into the liquid.
Jul 3, 7:11pm
Levelthe spoon when using baking soda or baking powder by running a knife along the spoon. Too much is horruble. When a recipe says 1 teaspoon it means a level spoonful not a raised or heaped spoonful unless stated. V
Jul 3, 8:14pm
Absolutely the best advice ever. I just can't reiterate just how often someone has cooked me a recipe I have given them and it has come out completely different, with the wrong texture, finished shape and taste and been asked what was done wrong. Always I discover that these cooks are slapdash measurers.
I spent most of my cooking classes at Intermediate sitting in the headmaster's office because I couldn't get a regulation apron (long story). However, I learnt three things from the classes I did manage to attend.
1. - Wrap all vegetable scraps in newspaper and put them in the bin. I got told off because I insisted that the compost heap was a better place for these scraps. I mean I'd been using our compost heap since my mother made me cook the vegetables from the age of 8.
2. Always level off your measurements and be as precise as possible. Now that advice has stood me in excellent stead all of my life.
3. How to cream butter and sugar. This knowledge meant I never ever had failures from the day I started out learning to bake.
Jul 3, 8:32pm
Thanks for that :-) I notice ALOT of recipes online call for baking soda in banana muffins as well.
Jul 4, 2:18pm
2 tsp of baking powder seems alot. Baking soda is one of the ingredients in banana cake, so I would not omit it necessarily.
Jul 4, 2:59pm
2 tsp of baking powder is not a lot in muffins or scones. These quick cooked baked goods often have a higher bp content than (say) a cake. My banana cake recipe uses baking powder and only 1/4 t of baking soda. So maybe you could try dropping the baking soda content right down and see how that goes ? :-)
Sep 29, 8:12am
or use a self raising flour and miss out the baking powder and soda all together. I have a recipe if you want it.
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