Might actually PAY to READ ellihens post buzzy- You have got yourself steamed up over nothing. If you actually READ it, she is referring to your "advice" and lecturing on just about all subjects including those mentioned in her post, but as usual you jump to conclusions, fly off the handle and open your mouth before your brain is in gear. I am not going to argue the toss with you because you would swear black was white... but I think you need to take a deep breath and calm yourself down.
Jun 28, 11:48pm
I'm sure ellihen can speak for herself cooks. Have you become her back up person?
However, first she provided a link that has no destination then mentioned alcoholism, smoking and carbohydrate addictions. Not very subtle IMO.
Jun 29, 12:21am
Well, I agree with you buzzy, the link wasn't very subtle at all!
Jun 29, 12:21am
Not intended to be subtle. Quite the oppposite, because it's directed at the toxic two who shamelessly lecture everyone on the perceived toxicity of everything, and not only can't take a subtle hint that everyone is fed up with their hectoring lecturing, but when asked upfront by such unbiased posters as fisher to PLEASE take their hectoring lecturing to a more appropriate place, still take no heed.
... must be something wrong with her diet to make buzzy110 so irascible ;)
Jun 29, 12:52am
Righto - so you think I should be subtle - but you are not?
And what is this about "going to a more appropriate place" - touted by "by such unbiased posters as fisher"?
When I go to the place fisher has "told me to go to" (which in itself is a bit of a laugh as he says he is not a moderator anymore... ) - then cooks turns up and lectures me there - this is in the health and beauty forum of this message board.
Maybe you two have to RESTRAIN yourselves from haunting me - then it might all die down one day - as it is ... I am not going to stop posting where I feel like!
And I am much more thick skinned than you both LOL - and such funny little links just give me a laugh - I have no problems with seeing (without even clicking onto them) what a ridiculous little piece of sh*t you have cooked up there... (excuse the pun)
Jun 29, 1:01am
Neither am I uli and I have posted on the health and beauty section since I joined Trademe in 2004 and if you have a problem with that - too bad. I have better things to do than "haunt " you. You are just so incredibly charming. I’m impressed, I’ve never met such a small mind inside such a big head before
Jun 29, 6:22am
Careful elli. Name calling is not really permitted on these threads. Remember that. Also inferring that we are alcoholics and smokers is also completely unacceptable.
I wonder what TM would have to say about your name calling. Remember. We don't call you names. We, at least, maintain a modicum of respect which, quite frankly you do not deserve.
Also, is there a difference between lecturing and answering a question? You will recall that lecturing is not limited to uli and I. Cooks and you do it in spades. Just reread this thread. Funny how those who like to lecture most, also manage to see it in others.
Jun 29, 7:15am
buzzy110, I suggest you read a book titled 'Straight and Crooked Thinking' and have a cup of Alpine Tea.
Jun 29, 11:29pm
Yes, our digestive systems can recognise fructose, through hexokinase and fructokinase.
Sep 18, 3:13am
... "Fructose consumption accounts for approximately 10. 2 percent of calories in the average diet in the United States and has been linked to many health problems, including obesity, cardiovascular disease and liver disease, " says Dr. Kohli...
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