How do use corn syrup?

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happybaby, Jun 27, 5:08am
& red/ white wine vinegars?

michelle313, Jun 27, 4:31pm
Sorry, don't quite understand your questions. You use the ingredients as they are called for in the recipe.

bedazzledjewels, Jun 27, 4:50pm
Chuck out the corn syrup - it's not good for you!

kamitchell, Jun 27, 11:19pm
Why is this bedazzled? I'm not questioning you, actually wanting to know more about corn syrup. Thanks :)

pickles7, Jun 27, 11:34pm
This is an opinion , people need to do there own research, and take responsibility for themselves.
If you do not have the need to use these ingredients in a recipe, why are you asking? .

elliehen, Jun 27, 11:39pm
Corn syrup is used in a lot of American recipes - it's like a 'white' golden syrup. There's also a dark corn syrup in the US... a common brand name for both is 'Karo'. It's just sugar in another form.

buzzy110, Jun 28, 12:27am
Actually it is fructose not sugar in any form. Fructose is toxic to the human body. Our own digestive system and blood stream do not recognise it at all, so it is sent to the liver for processing, which is what happens to all toxins. There, it goes through a series of chemical changes till it is released back into the bloodstream as a VLDL. You can look up for yourself what is dangerous about too many VLDLs in the bloodstream.

buzzy110, Jun 28, 12:32am
However, as pickles says, we more educated and concerned citizens of the Recipes board are not allowed to express our opinions and you are not allowed to ask the question you asked in #4 because we have been informed by others that they don't want that sort of education going on here.

So we can only tell you how to use your toxic corn syrup, but not warn you that if you continue to use it then in about 10 - 20 years you will be morbidly obese, probably diabetic and suffering from either vascular disease (in the form of angina) or will have already had a heart attack.

I am also not allowed to tell you anything like that either.

buzzy110, Jun 28, 12:37am
I can tell you though, that using Red and White vinegar (which I presume is red and white wine vinegar) is as simple as following the recipe. People like me who don't need recipes just use it wherever we think it would complement the meal. So no point in using it to marinate mussels because malt vinegar is best for that. And no point using it to make a sweetened condensed milk salad dressing because if you are going to make foods like that then you may as well stick to malt vinegar.

On the other hand if you take a good quality olive oil and an egg yolk or two and use them to make a homemade mayonnaise, then you can use either red or white wine vinegar in that. Either is brilliant in vinaigrette.

Sometimes ordinary (not wine) white vinegar is used in place of malt vinegar when cooking up some chutneys, relishes, piccalilli and tomato sauces, etc.

cookessentials, Jun 28, 12:39am
To actually answer your question #1 - corn syrup is often used in sweet making and baking and helps soften the texture of certain foods. it is a derivative of corn starch that is primarily the sugar called glucose. it does not crystalise like sugar. Red and white wine vinegars are made from red and white wine and quite often used in salad dressings and sauces. Hopefully that helped answer your question rather than the lecture.

elliehen, Jun 28, 1:38am
Which part of "please don't lecture in Recipes" do you not understand, you self-described "more educated and concerned citizen"?

hestia, Jun 28, 2:57am
Umm . . . no.

cookessentials, Jun 28, 3:11am
fructose is actually a simple sugar.

uli, Jun 28, 3:32am
I am glad that fructose is so "simple" (I am not trying to say anything about the owner of such simple comments) ... and if anyone here would like to read up on it - here are a few (of thousands) of websites:


and if you are keen you could google "toxicity corn syrup" or anything similar - and I am sure you would un-earth a lot more.

However I cannot be bothered anymore with the attitudes here, hence just one sweet little post from me - take it or leave it - good night...

cookessentials, Jun 28, 3:38am
no, not really. I think #1's question has probably been answered by now though. Nighty night to you too.

elliehen, Jun 28, 4:33am
Yet another fond farewell... unfortunately always through a revolving door ;)

cookessentials, Jun 28, 2:20pm
Quote uli:"I am glad that fructose is so "simple" (I am not trying to say anything about the owner of such simple comments) ... and if anyone here would like to read up on it - here are a few (of thousands) of websites:"
glad to see nothing changes.

cookessentials, Jun 28, 4:12pm
From Wikipedia-just so there is no confusion as there seems to be further up the thread. To Quote buzzy:"Actually it is fructose not sugar in any form"

Fructose (also levulose or laevulose)[1] is a simple monosaccharide found in many foods and is one of the three important dietary monosaccharides along with glucose and galactose. The organic fructose molecule was first discovered by Augustin-Pierre Dubrunfaut in 1847. [2] Fructose is a white solid that dissolves in water – it is the most water-soluble of all the sugars. [3] Honey, tree fruits, berries, melons, and some root vegetables contain significant amounts of molecular fructose, usually in combination with glucose, stored in the form of sucrose. About 240, 000 tonnes of crystalline fructose are produced annually. [4]

Fructose is a component of sucrose. Sucrose is a disaccharide derived from the condensation of glucose and fructose. Fructose is derived from the digestion of table sugar (sucrose).

Crystalline fructose and high-fructose corn syrup are often confused as the same product. Crystalline fructose, which is often produced from a fructose-enriched corn syrup, is indeed the monosaccharide. High-fructose corn syrup, however, refers to a family of mixtures of varying amounts of fructose and glucose.

buzzy110, Jun 28, 4:51pm
That is wonderful news cooks and if you had bothered, ever to view Dr Lustig's podcast on exactly how toxic fructose is in the human body you would be thrilled to find that someone with a vested interest has written up a wonderful summary about the benefits corn syrup in that impeccable reference library', wikipedia. We should all believe absolutely everything in Wikipedia. Not.

Anyway, I merely answered #1's question in post #4 and reminded her that the question should not have been asked because to answer such a question is 'lecturing'.

So #1, if you want to poison yourself and get fat then ignore me.

cookessentials, Jun 28, 5:38pm
Crystalline fructose and high-fructose corn syrup are often confused as the same product. Crystalline fructose, which is often produced from a fructose-enriched corn syrup, is indeed the monosaccharide. High-fructose corn syrup, however, refers to a family of mixtures of varying amounts of fructose and glucose.
Because you copy and paste near everything from just about any publication in existence and paste screeds and screeds of it and then lecture people, I pay no mind to what you have to say. I think I have probably used corn syrup once in my lifetime. Perhaps if you read what the first poster was wanting to know, there would be no need to go over this again and again. All she asked for was "what is it used for" I take responsibility for my own health, thanks so much for your concern and I would never take what you say here as gospel as you really have no experience in the health/medical/nutritional sector. if you wish to read various books on these subjects, that is fantastic and good for you... but we do not all need a lecture on damn near everything we put in our mouths. I also do not need a lecture on the benefits of a low carb diet - I have lived this way for some four years now with the odd treat thrown in if and when I feel like it. I can understand your excitement at living a low carb lifestyle along with others, but to shove it down others throats does become somewhat tiresome.

elliehen, Jun 28, 6:37pm
Nothing like a reformed sinner for browbeating others about the sinner's former sin, be it smoking, excessive alcohol, excessive carbohydrate consumption etc etc

buzzy110, Jun 28, 10:22pm
Duh! When did I mention the low carb diet in this thread. And quite frankly your lectures are just as tedious as you find mine. If you look very carefully uli gave links whilst you are the cut and paste queen and pasting directly from wikipedia is no exception.

Do stop with your lecturing. I am sure ellihen and you make an excellent tag team, but I did, if you notice just answer two questions asked by poster #1. It was the cook and henny tag team that took it upon themselves to lecture me.

cookessentials, Jun 28, 10:29pm
dont think this realle explained what you used it for.

buzzy110, Jun 28, 10:38pm
As I couldn't get to the page you so kindly posted a linkI cannot possibly comment. Personally I findit extremely offensive that you have linked that same post with alcoholism and smoking of which I have been neither considering I have no taste for, or ability to handle alcohol in quantities of more than one small ½ glass. Smoking has always been the most disgusting of habits to me and as I watched my in-laws succumb, one by one, to this vile habit I would never have touched fags with a barge pole. Therefore as neither of these descriptions has ever applied to me your morality in implying that they do seriously brings your own integrity into question.

So I am going to say here that IMO you have just sunk into a person of low moral rectitude and integrity. Your posts are now worthless heaps of rubbish.

I am, however, a reformed vegetarian and as such, a person who consumed a lot of carbohydrates. I can tell everyone who wants to listen, that vegetarianism is crap. It makes you fat, reduces your insulin sensitivity, makes you deficient in many important minerals, exposes you to acquiring coeliac disease, anaemia, arthritis, brittle bones and prevents your brain from firing on all cylinders, thereby inhibiting the intellect. Even the macrobiotic diet, is crap. Just take a look at Gwyneth Paltrow's current health problems - brittle bones.

buzzy110, Jun 28, 10:46pm
I see you can't read either. In post #4 she asked why bedazzled recommended throwing it out. I merely answered that post. So just to reiterate. Poster #1 asked two questions and actually, I answered both within my abilities. I know, for instance how to use red and white vinegar and made the assumption that they were wine vinegars. I also mentioned the other white, not wine, vinegar. I gave excellent advice on corn syrup, which is based, not on anonymous Wikipedia excerpts, but on information disseminated by scientists who are specialists in their field.