Hi ya I am in Invercargill and looking for a commercial kitchen to hire/rent/use once or twice a month to produce a small range of baked goods. I will provide my own ingredients, just need the registered kitchen to manufacture the goods for sale. Any suggestions or ideas or offers would be gratefully received. Thanks.
Jun 24, 10:40am
It would be a huge reliability. Ask yourself if you would sub let your bakery? buy a caravan and deck that out. I have seen them for sale on trade me
Jun 24, 10:57am
There are plenty of opportunities if you think outside the box! Ask your council which of the local halls are registered - you then only need to pay per hours of use. Same deal for rugby/sports clubs. Our local 4square has a comm. kitchen which is only used about 4hrs a day & could have been an option but I foundcheaper ones. An option I have used was a local honey producer - they had a registered kitchen which stood idle for most of the year. Buying a caravan, fitting out, getting licensed & maintaining the license can be a big chunk out of your profits if you are only doing something part time. Goodluck.
Jun 24, 12:32pm
Hi Looking for the same in Christchurch if any one can help. . as far as Invercargill I know one in Te Anau their boating club (actually the Manaporui) so my brother told me. . bit far for me... but almost thought about a monthly rental. Have one private one here in ChCh but rental very high will keep watching in case you find one via your more user friendly council. Cheers Anne
Jun 24, 7:05pm
There would be a number of peoople who would be happy to hire out their premises for you. I have a customer who uses the marist commercial kitchen to make various baking products.
Jun 24, 8:21pm
I live in Auckland and find that Council Community Centres Leisure Centres have Kitchens they hire out per hour. Also some local restaurants that are closed on Mondays hire there kitchens out for a reasonable price. Good luck
Jun 25, 8:14am
Yes. . try a local hall - often they're included in the local phone books - most will have commercial kitchen's - one here charges $15 per hour for the use of the whole hall, including the kitchen. .
Sep 6, 10:15am
You should go and see your local health dept. The kitchen would need a factory licence. Not all bakeries or kitchens hold a, factory licence. If you intend to sell away from where the goods are made, that will be the license to look for. A caravan would give you the right to sell directly from the van, as long as you have a hawkers licence. I know someone who had a small shed fitted out, just to make jams to sell at the markets. The thing is , she is selling, no one else can. She won't let anyone else sell jams from an unregistered kitchen. We could only sell, from our own bakery premises, untill we got a, factory licence. The factory license, gave us the right to cater outside, and to sell wholesale.
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