Over the past month I've adapted from LC to an 'All Meat Diet' (Courtesy of my Doctor) and now Raw Meat in general. (My choice, entirely) and now I'm re-allowed to consume spices/herbs and etc...
What I'd kindly love is some recipes ideas to go along with the meat (although plain and raw is good too - but it could or may get boring) What I am not after is a lengthy debate on why this particular 'diet' is wrong for me and etc... that and itself won't be appreciated.
Please do consider, I'm only wanting spices/herbs condiments/ sauces. (Fruits and Vegetables are a most definite no - although Onions are allowed)
Jun 17, 6:04am
Cinnamon, ground turmeric, ground coriander & fresh rosemary would go well with beef - mustard too, especially wholegrain mustards - orhoney-mustard too. . Make gravy from the pan/dish brownings to go with this. Spread mustard over the meat too.
Sage and thyme for chicken - Lemon grass & lemon thyme too. A lemony flavoured sauce/gravy would come from using lemon flavoured herbs. Put some of the herbs in the cavity when cooking/roasting.
Pork - sage, lemon grass, lemon thyme,
Lamb - mint, apple mint, thyme, rosemary sprigs pushed into the meat before cooking, or leaves crushed over and left to flavour the meat, mint sauce, mint jelly, push garlic cloves into a roast before cooking.
I recommend freshly picked - supermarkets sell a variety of herb plants in their produce section that might be of help.
Hope this is of help.
Jun 17, 3:24pm
I think she's after sauces and spices to go with RAW meats not cooked meat.
Jun 17, 3:29pm
Do you think this might work?
Using finely sliced raw lamb, or snitzchel cut raw beef, coat one side with freshly ground black pepper and the other with finely chopped fresh herbs, salt and a little lemon juice and roll up like sushi. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and leave for a few hours, then slices like sushi.
Jun 17, 4:01pm
Oh my, that sounds really yummy! Thanks, kirinesha~!
Jun 17, 5:22pm
Hi Randomized, fistly don't let anybody stop you from your path, you will get strong and healthy on it. Have you thought of making your own biltong? Spice it with pepper, roasted crushed coriander. Make sure you get fat on the meat you want to dry. You can find biltong boxes for drying on trademe.
Jun 17, 7:41pm
Thank you~ That's the main plan; Health. (I feel great too) I haven't tried making any as of yet, but I am keen to try.
Jun 17, 7:56pm
What are the benefits of this way of eating, randomized ? It is your business of course and I am asking purely out of interest without any intention of passing judgement.
Jun 17, 8:18pm
I make it in two ways, sometimes I will use schnitzel cuts, being thin I let them dry to an crisp and eat it like chips. Or I use ribeye that I cut or rump pre-cut and let that dry to about 50%. That makes for soft tender strips with a different taste.
Jun 17, 8:26pm
No problem at all.
I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in which I have major hormonal imbalances. So anything considered 'carby' is pretty much hell for my system.
With the raw meat, I have alot more energy to be able to do things. (Although cooked meat worked too, Rare-ish) I don't feel as if I have this huge brick in my stomach after eating. No heavy 'bloated' feeling. I'm not so lethargic or even depressed and I have no digestion issues when I just eat meat.
Another factor is, I don't get these 'insane' (almost considered pregnant-like) craving for food. It doesn't control my life anymore where I am consistently thinking about/dreaming of what I can eat next.
I also have a failing liver and since the doctor recommended just sticking to meat. My liver is actually healing and on the mend. which I am estatic about. (elsewise I'd have had a 20/40% survival rate with a transplant)
hmm what else, my nails are strong, My out-of-the-blue-after-so-many-- years-without ezcema is finally healing (it was linked to my failing liver) My skin is pretty much clear and healthly looking and overall I look healthy and FEEL healthy.
Another factor is weight-loss, but I'm not quite so really focused on that anymore (although i do need to slim down a few sizes) I'm back at 107kgs. (5'10" frame) which is where I orginally was before I ballooned up after Istarted taking all this medication/antibotics/Steriods- linked to my eczema. (At the start of the year I was 115kgs-ish)
Hope that helped.
Jun 17, 8:31pm
Yes, it does, thank you for the prompt reply.
Jun 17, 8:38pm
Most welcome.
Jun 17, 8:49pm
thanks for sharing all this randomized- it will help quite a few people - I am sure - IF they are ready to make a change for the better ...
Jun 17, 9:32pm
Excellent Randomized. You're doing brilliantly. There's another carnivore on the dark site.
Jun 17, 9:46pm
DaZz I think this is our favourite carnivore :)
Jun 18, 12:10am
I am sure she is LOL :)
Jun 18, 12:28am
= Curvaceous (Carnivore) Kiwi
Jun 18, 12:44am
Very random indeed! And here I was thinking there are two of you! Lol!
Jun 18, 12:45am
I was just saying on the other side that I love we range from Vegans to out and out Carnivores! I love that!
Jun 18, 3:09am
Thanks for sharing randomized This message board certainly opens my eyes to so many new things
l hope it all goes well for you and it would be great if you could keep us up to date with your progress, wishing you all the very best
Now l can say l know a real carnivore, lol
Jun 18, 4:54am
Kirinesha - I was thinking that today - it's amazing really!
Jun 19, 5:05am
A meat to consider eating raw that many wouldn't is kidney I love raw sheeps kidney in particular.
Jun 19, 5:11am
Wow. what do you do with it Beaker? I am not sure I'd enjoy the texture of raw kidney, but am finding this subject really interesting!
Jun 19, 6:04pm
Kirinesha I just slice it thinly and eat it thats the thing about raw theres no cooking, but generally I never serve it that way just eat a few in the kitchen while cooking the rest :) my wife would object by never kissing me again if she knew. I have done steak sliced thinly by sprinkling with lemon juice and soy sauce thats nice too.
Jun 19, 6:10pm
Raw steak I have no issues about, especially with lemon juice. I've had carpaccio many times. Raw kidney has never called out to me though. . !
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