Pumpkin & Peanut Hummus 100g cubed steamed pumpkin 2 cl. garlic 400g can chickpeas, rinsed 1t curry pdr 2T peanut butter 2T lemon juice 2-3T olive oil 1/2t salt Blend until smooth, add little water or chickpea water from can if needed. Keeps 1 week in fridge.Serve with strips of warmed pitta bread, wedges, crackers or veg.
Feb 5, 10:07pm
frances1266, thanks...I'll try this.I regularly make the pumpkin/chickpea curry posted in this thread.They seem to be complementary flavours.
Feb 5, 10:07pm
frances1266, thanks.I'll try this.I regularly make the pumpkin/chickpea curry posted in this thread.They seem to be complementary flavours.
Feb 5, 10:12pm
Chilli Bean Macaroni 2c dry macaroni 1-1/2c chpd onion 1-2T olive oil 1 gr pepper, chpd 1/2c celery, chpd fine 1t chilli pdr 1t cumin 1t basil 1 can tomatoes 1 can kidney beans, rinsed 1/4c soy sauce Cook pasta.Drain. Cook onion, pepper and celery until tender. Stir in chilli, cumin and basil, stir for a minute. Break tomatoes up and add to pasta with their juice.Stir in the veg, beans and soy sauce.Mix and heat, stirring until heated through. Serve with a green salad.
Feb 5, 10:14pm
Am sure you will like it Elliehen - you can never have too much hummus in my opinion. I have a great coriander pesto recipe I will post soon.
Feb 6, 7:36pm
Coriander Pesto. This is from Val Parkers book The Sunflower Cookbook available from Piko Wholefoods in Christchurch.It is a great little vegan cookbook. This pesto is meant to remove heavy metals from the body.It is a really delicious recipe.I spread it on crackers. 4 cl garlic 1/3c brazil nuts - I sub other nuts sometimes 1/3c sunflower seeds 1/3c pumpkin seeds 2c packed fresh coriander 2/3c flaxseed oil - I have used olive oil if out of flaxseed 4T lemon juice 2t dulse powder - I leave this out liquid aminos or soy sauce Process coriander and flaxseed oil in blender till coriander chpd, add garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until a paste.Add squirt of Braggs amino acid or soy sauce to taste and blend again.Store in dark glass jar.It freezes well.
Feb 6, 7:40pm
An awesome thread folks : ) please dont think bad of me lol,but how does one save any/all of this thread? I know how to copy and paste,but where does one put the copy and pasted stuff? Im a little puta illiterate I'm afraid lol
Feb 6, 7:40pm
An awesome thread folks : ) please dont think bad of me lol,but how does one save any/all of this thread! I know how to copy and paste,but where does one put the copy and pasted stuff! Im a little puta illiterate I'm afraid lol
Feb 6, 7:43pm
Mini Cashew Nut Roasts (or burgers) 1 large onion, chpd and gently fried in 30ml olive oil 100g bread (gluten free is ok) processed into crumbs 2 large garlic cloves, crushed 150ml water or veg stock s&p grated nutmeg to taste 1T lemon juice Process all ingred until well processed. Spoon into 9 greased muffin tins( or shape into burgers, coat in flour and fry until browned, then reheat on barbecue) bake 30 min until firm and browned. Freeze well.
Feb 6, 10:06pm
Save the thread to 'Favourites'.Look at the top bar (File, Edit, View, Favourites, Tools, Help) and click Favourites.Then in the drop-down menu, click Add to Favourites.Whenever you want to view the thread, click on Favourites and it will be there in your list.That's a good way to save any website you want to refer to frequently too.
If you want to save anything you've copied and pasted,why not just save it straight to 'My Documents'?
Alternatively, you could paste a recipe into an email and just keep one email folder for Recipes.
Feb 6, 10:06pm
Save the thread to 'Favourites'.Look at the top bar (File, Edit, View, Favourites, Tools, Help) and click Favourites.Then in the drop-down menu, click Add to Favourites.Whenever you want to view the thread, click on Favourites and it will be there in your list.That's a good way to save any website you want to refer to frequently too.
If you want to save anything you've copied and pasted,why not just save it straight to 'My Documents'!
Alternatively, you could paste a recipe into an email and just keep one email folder for Recipes.
Feb 6, 10:26pm
I don't know why you would put it into an e-mail folder. I have several folders in my Word programme. But if you haven't got Word then do this:
1. Right click Desk Top 2 Scroll down and click New 3. Click Text Document
A new Text document will appear on your Desk Top
If you do not get to name at the bottom which will be highlighted don't worry. Just:
4. Right click the words New Text Document 5 Click on Rename and name it what you want then click OK.
Now, When you want to save a recipe just open your newly named text document at the same time as you have the recipe you want to copy open, copy the recipe and paste it into your Newly Created Text document.
Now for some advice.
Often, you will find you have hundreds of recipes you want to save. Word is still best for this but if you need to use Text Documents then try and have several documents named for specific things i.e. one for chocolate, one for fish, another for lemons, etc.
I've never used text documents before so I am not sure how big their capacity is. You'll have to discover that for yourself. Word is unlimited.
Feb 6, 10:26pm
I don't know why you would put it into an e-mail folder. I have several folders in my Word programme. But if you haven't got Word then do this:
1. Right click Desk Top 2 Scroll down and click New 3. Click Text Document
A new Text document will appear on your Desk Top
If you do not get to name at the bottom which will be highlighted don't worry. Just:
4. Right click the words New Text Document 5 Click on Rename and name it what you want then click OK.
Now, When you want to save a recipe just open your newly named text document at the same time as you have the recipe you want to copy open, copy the recipe and paste it into your Newly Created Text document.
Now for some advice.
Often, you will find you have hundreds of recipes you want to save. Word is still best for this but if you need to use Text Documents then try and have several documents named for specific things i.e. one for chocolate, one for fish, another for lemons, etc.
I've never used text documents before so I am not sure how big their capacity is. You'll have to discover that for yourself. Word is unlimited.
Feb 7, 3:12am
Hi Buzzy110.. thanks for that,easy directions and I have managed to do it too lol. Im very pleased with myself : ) Very yummy recipes,thanks everyone. Sampled a vegie stack tonight. Hubby very impressed and it looked amazing. Keep them coming people .. : )
Feb 7, 3:12am
Hi Buzzy110. thanks for that,easy directions and I have managed to do it too lol. Im very pleased with myself : ) Very yummy recipes,thanks everyone. Sampled a vegie stack tonight. Hubby very impressed and it looked amazing. Keep them coming people . : )
Feb 7, 4:10am
How many cashews, frances!
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