easy ones, tasty ones, qucik ones etc etc. . any thing
Oct 18, 11:32pm
Give this a try, but go easy on the pickling spice unless you like your onions hot.
Peel onions and sprinkle with salt and cover. Leave overnight.
Put vinegar and pickling spice in a pot and bring to the boil. Turn off and leave covered overnight.
In the morning rinse the onions and dry. Pack into jars and pour in vinegar. The onions are ready to eat in six weeks. Still nice and crunchie. If you like sweet onions this one isn't for you.
Oct 18, 11:33pm
Whoops. You need to strain the vinegar before you add to the onioins.
Oct 19, 3:07am
Onions in honey & vinegar! ! Delicious, peel onions, no need to put in brine for 24hrs, put straight in jars or crock. Gently heat 500grms honey in 2 pints vinegar be it brown or white pour over onions seal they will be ready in 4 days. I prefer white vinegar but each to their own.
Nov 1, 11:14pm
pickled onions Buy as many pickling onions as you want to do, soak in brine, 24 hours... Drain, pack into jars, put 2 black peppercorns, 1 small dry chili, a clove, a slice of fresh ginger, into each jar... .cover with cold spiced vinegar... . Brine... multiples of 1/4 cup of sea salt and 2 cups of water... Spiced vinegar... boil, for 5 minutes, 4 cups of malt vinegar, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 Tblsp whole "all spice"... ready in about 6 weeks. We do a jar everytime we empty one. we only keep two jars at a time. . enjoy
Nov 2, 1:07am
these are good as a side nibble at parties etc: I use the cocktail pickled onions, pineapple peices, Cheese (i have used either tasty or a mild cheese) you have tooth picks and arrange like Onion, Pineapple, cheese. . I only use the cocktail pickled onions as they are a good size you could use normal pickled onions just them in half or whatever...
Nov 2, 1:08am
opps excuse my post lol I read your thread wrong... Sorry :O)
Nov 2, 8:01am
Honeyed Pickled Onions. . Peel onions , pack in jars. . heat 500grams honey to every 2 pints of white vinegar (or can be done with malt vinegar if preferred). . when hoiney is disolved pour over the onions , seal. ready in about 6 days.
Nov 2, 8:27am
These are great. Curried onions, Do the usual brine method and pop onions in jars. To 5lbs onions, put 2pints malt vinegar, 1lb b. sugar in pot and heat, then stir in 1tbsp G Cloves, 1tbsp allspice, 2 big tbsp flour, Half dsp curry powder, 2 tsp tumeric. Mix these with a little extra vinegar and add to hot sugar and vinegar. Boil till thickens Let cool and pour over onions. Keep 3wks if you can resist. Sauce can be used over cold meats --Enjoy
Nov 2, 8:48am
Hi, I'm a bit vaue sorry 'coz I don't actually have the recipe, but about a hundred years ago I used to do pickled onions and gherkins with chilli. Fantastic! Especially the gherkins.
Nov 2, 10:36am
This recipe was posted on here. . I saved the recipe but not the contributors name. . but I have made them and they are easy and good! PICKLED ONIONS IN 7 DAYS! 1 tblsp of plain salt, 2 cups sugar, 1 tsp dried chillies, 1200ml brown vinegar, 1 dssp dried peppercorns. Place all in pot and boil 10 mins, STRAIN and pour over peeled onions in jars, seal and they are ready in 7 days! Don't forget to strain them or your mouth will explode! ! ! Makes nice crunchy onions, not like the soft, insipid-looking ones at the Supermarket
Feb 11, 10:15am
Ok I've got the ingredients but bought fresh chillis instead of dried. I have also bought some large preserving jars and thought it'd look really cool to have these bright red chillis in the jars whole.
My question is, will one large whole chilli be ok in a large preserving jar. Will it leach in enough... too much? ? ? I notice all the other recipes call for dried chillis... TIA
Feb 12, 1:23am
I have used both whole fresh and dried red chillis in the jars - the dried will plump up and look almost as good, some lemon peel also adds colour as do green chillies
Feb 12, 1:26am
thanks for answering mwood, will it make the onions too hot if I used say a couple of wee green ones from my garden with one large red one in each large glass?
Feb 12, 8:17am
bump, also how do I sterilise my jars please? my microwave is out of order so will need to do it the old fashioned way... . and I have no idea what that is lol
Feb 12, 8:51am
To sterilise your jars - wash in hot, soapy water & then place in the oven at 100C for 30mins.
Feb 12, 9:07am
Cranium Crushers - makes 2 500g jars (approx)
500g pickling onions-peeled, 10 long red chillis-split lengthways, 1tspn salt, 1tspn szechuan peppercorns, 1tspn coriander seeds, malt vinegar. Rinse the onions - no need to brine or soak. Stack the onions into the jars, interspersed with the chillis. Add the spices, then the vinegar, slowly so that the spices trickle down through the onions, lodging where they like, adding to the visual effect. Leave these onions for at least a month to gain the right pain level. The longer you leave them - a year is fine - the more mind-blowing they'll become. If you wish, remove the chillis when they're hot enough for you.
Feb 12, 9:09am
I have more 'hot' recipes if you want including 'Red Hot Mammas', 'Afterburners' & 'Heartstarters' amongst others ... they are from a great little book called "Simply Pickles" by Sara Ridgley.
Feb 12, 9:47am
awesome thanks so much winnie!
would love some more hotties :)
Feb 13, 12:08am
I'll add some more recipes later ... miss 12 wants the computer for homework at the moment.
Feb 13, 2:58am
All my recipes are for 2 500g jars (approx)
500g pickling onions, 6 sprigs fresh rosemary & thyme, 8 long red chillies-split lengthways, 1Tblspn red pepper cubes, 1Tblspn fresh ginger-sliced, 2 cloves garlic, 1tspn salt, 1tspn mustard seeds, 2Tblspn demera sugar, malt vinegar. Fill clear glass jars with the onions, pressing the herbs, chillies, red pepper pieces, ginger & garlic against the glass for visual interest. Add the salt, mustard seeds & sugar. Top up with vinegar until all the onions are covered. Store a month before trying - if you can stand the wait. Will keep for a good year.
Feb 13, 3:06am
Red Devils
500g pickling onions, 10 West Indian wrinkled chillies (Granny's Bonnets), 10 dried red chillies-whole, 1Tblspn caster sugar, 1Tblspn sea salt, 1Tblspn pink peppercorns, white vinegar. Slice the fresh chillies (use whatever red chillies you can find if Granny Bonnets n/a). Pack the onions into jars interleaved with chillies, fresh & dried. Sprinkle in the sugar, salt & peppercorns and top up with vinegar. Leave for a month, but will fester evilly for a year.
Feb 13, 3:27am
500g pickling onions, 1Tblspn fresh ginger-sliced, 5 West Indian wrinkled chillies (Granny's Bonnets), 1Tblspn curry powder, 1Tblspn crushed dried red chillies, 1Tblspn mustard seeds-crushed, 1Tblspn honey, 1Tblspn salt, malt vinegar. Pack the onions into jars, interspersed with the ginger & fresh chillies. Spoon in the curry powder, dried chillies & mustard seeds. Mix the honey & salt with vinegar and pour over the onions. They like 6 weeks to develop their full firepower, but will keep at least a year.
Aug 8, 4:15pm
Red Hot Mammas
1Tblspn runny honey, 1Tblspn muscovado sugar, 1tspn dark soy sauce, 1tspn worcester sauce, malt vinegar, 500g pickling onions, 4 sprigs thyme, 2tspn mustard seeds, 2tspn black peppercorns, 1Tblspn crushed dried red chillies. Shake together the runny honey, soy sauce, worcester sauce & sugar with a good slosh of vinegar. Pack the onions into jars, interleaved with the thyme sprigs and sprinklings of the crushed mustard seeds & peppercorns. Add the chillies and pour in the sauce mix. Top up with enough vinegar to cover the onions completely. After a couple of days the vinegar will need topping up because the dried chillies & spices will have drunk some. Store in a cool place for 6 weks.
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