is shocking! ! ! ! ! I have used d y c vinegar for years. The last bottle I got was cr... ... p. Any one found a nicer vinegar for making sauces etc. Plum sauce, worsestershire sauce etc.
Sep 27, 3:42pm
no one? ...
Sep 27, 4:01pm
got the better of me I have phoned, Goodman F. , and enlightened them of the "original vinegar" tasting like cr... . . p. yaaa treated like a fool on the phone, like I have used this product for at least 30 years. "Original recipe", NOT. should have to put "NEW recipe" , on the bottles. In fact it has left a nasty taste in my mouth. Com on ladies, get onto them. We are getting treated very poorly by a lot of food producers.
Sep 27, 4:14pm
Funny you should say that... . . but I noticed this weekend that my new bottle of vinegar does not have the flavour of previous bottles - it seems to be very weak. I regularly put mussels in brine made from vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, dill & coriandar & water, and this weekend, there was no flavour! !
Sep 27, 9:32pm
kcak I am getting real mad now. I went and bought a Pams bottle, same thing. I also read on my PC somewhere how vinegar is being made these days, using acid and food colouring. My gripe is, it tastes foul and they are using the old label "original recipe", "brewed naturally". I now have two vouchers comming, in the mail for more of the same stuff. lol.
Sep 27, 9:49pm
So my strange taste buds detect no loss if flavour and I use DYC for all my plain vinegars - Malt, White and Cider. At a loss now about this because mine are just fine. Just emerged from the pantry after a re-tasting. V
Sep 27, 9:51pm
pickles - have you tried Bin Inns' vinegar? I haven't so don't take this as a reccommendation ... it was just a thought. Worth a try - maybe?
Sep 27, 10:43pm
Just looked it up on google This page has all the product information of what it is made of etc. Also a contactpageto email them if you want. V --vinegars/vinegar/dyc-malt-vinegar/3/product. aspxrom and so on.
Sep 27, 10:44pm
no to bin inns' we don't have one here now. This is a very new bottle. I only bought it last week, and the Pam's today. . I found on you tube how to make my own, so will give it a go. At least I will know what is in it. When I made the complaints I suggested they are not making vinegar to the original recipe, they did not make any comment.
Sep 28, 3:05am
got my first brew down should have a vinegar mother in two weeks.
Sep 28, 4:51pm
just put my second lot down will choose the best out of the both brews. 1st banana skin 2 cups sugar 2 cups of water into a 2 liter bottle , no lid hung outside in the shade so the sun and rain cannot get in. Leaving for two weeks. 2nd lot is 1 cup of red wine 1 cup water 6 fruit flies I found in the compost. yummmmmmy. That is where the bacteria lives , on there feet. Now I hope the wine one will taste the best, I figure it will be easy to add beer to make the malt vinegar.
Sep 28, 5:37pm
pickles - are you kidding? you put actual flies in your vinegar? ! You have GOT to keep up posted please.
Sep 28, 5:39pm
I had the same thought as darlingmole! ! ! Will be following your progress with interest!
Sep 28, 5:40pm
actually pickles ... if your recipes work out well (and I'm holding my breath! ) then you could well put vinegar makers out of business because it sounds blimmin easy and no frills with the ingredients. What site did you find the recipes from so I can have a look please ...
Sep 28, 5:49pm
Hi all yep fruit flies are the ones that have the "bug" on there feet. I started in you tube. I do intend to get this going. may even have it tested later. I knew you can make vinegar, but was told it is not always of a safe strength to use for preserving. I now think that it will depend on the alcohol strength before you start. I looked into making my own white vinegar once , but it cost the same to make than to buy. Now I may take another look at that. I think maybe the "malt vinegar" they are selling now, is just that with a caramel food clouring added.
Sep 28, 6:08pm
when you have a vinegar mother, all the left over wine you would throw out can be turned into wine vinegar. The wine is diluted with an equal quantity of water, five parts of that to 1 part live vinegar. Pour all into a jar twice as big, plug the neck with cotton wool, stand the jar in a warm dark place for three months. When it is ready the skin on top that formed would have sunk to the bottom. This all needs to be pasteurised.
Sep 28, 6:17pm
pasteurise fill small bottles with the vinegar, lightly stopper them. Put them on a tea towel in a large pot and bring to the boil. Boil for 20 minutes. . Water should come up to the neck of the bottles. The problem here is the vinegar used to start this process must be live, or nothing will happen. Cider vinegar can be made , 2 measures of cider to 1 of water. Malt is made with beer, use this as is, as long as the beer is 5 % alcohol. I would not pasteurise malt, if I was making sauce with it.
Sep 28, 8:59pm
give up on that cr@p it's a chemical by-product - not fit for eating anyway. Make your own out of apple peelings and scraps.
Sep 28, 10:32pm
hi uli mmm just gone and bought a small bottle of raw unfiltered apple cider. That sounds like the correct way to go, having exhausted myself looking on the net this am. I am going to make my own beer to brew into vinegar. . I do have a very nice vinegar mother , but I got it last year and stuck it in a bottle along with some wine. The mother looks as if it is a bit of leather. I have now recovered that as the real deal. lol. It is now in another jar of wine and water, and is looking OK.
Sep 28, 10:40pm
uli hope you pop in again. All I have been reading is saying to make vinegar you need alcohol first. Will a bucket of cut up apples make enough alcohol to produce a good cider vinegar. Like, I go through about 3 gallons of vinegar easy, in a season. I was working time out to make all this by pickling time next year.
Sep 28, 11:23pm
Pickles7 - I did this experiment last summer for the first time. Usually I press all surplus apples into juice and then ferment them into apple wine. Then I decide how many bottles I will need for cooking (as I don't drink much alcohol) and this wine is bottled and stored away - and the rest is fermented into vinegar via a "mother".
Sep 28, 11:24pm
This month I have filtered 1 bucket off as I am running out of last years vinegar - and found it not as "nice" and not as "strong" as the vinegar I made the year before from the wine. It is much sweeter and not as strong, meaning not all the sugar went into alcohol first before the acetic bacteria went to work. So next year I will definitely make wine first, then vinegar. Maybe I will still use the trester and sugar water for the vinegar, but make sure it ferments fully into alcohol first - with an airlock -before I introduce the vinegar mother. Does this answer your question? Otherwise please ask.
Sep 29, 12:14am
yes it dose uli I will write up something I found in an old recipe book on preserving later, it mentioned vinegars of years ago, I will take a pic of my vinegar mother in its new jar, and try and put it up on here. .
Sep 29, 12:19am
I fished this mother out of red wine vinegar http://images. jp g
Sep 29, 12:24am
another pic http://images. jp g
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