Does vinegar have an expiry date??

k_stuart, Feb 19, 9:45pm
Bought some red wine vinegar maybe 6mths ago and I can't find an expiry date on it but just went to use it and it is full of mould!

elliehen, Feb 19, 10:23pm
It might be a 'mother' in there, which is a slimy gelatinous thing that is quite harmless ;)

Poster pickles7 is the vinegar expert in here - she makes her own.

kiwibubbles, Feb 19, 10:27pm
haha funny that - i was just wondering if my white vinegar was off, because some slimy stuff came out today!! I feel reassured now.

nfh1, Feb 19, 10:30pm
So would you just strain it out?

Vinegar does not seem to be like vinegar used to be - if that makes any sort of sense.

k_stuart, Feb 19, 10:33pm
No it is actually mouldy. You can smell it. There is lot's on cloudy sediment in it and you can see the mould on the surface.

nfh1, Feb 19, 10:47pm
Yes I have had the same - I threw mine away, but previously I have kept it for ages, could it be the weather?

pickles7, Feb 20, 12:25am
scary, I would throw it out.
Slim, on the other hand is "mother of vinegar". Strain it out and the vinegar will be fine. Start making your own. Put 3 glasses of wine 1 glass of water into a preserving jar, along with the slime, cover with a clean hanky or something similar, tie it so fruit flies cannot get in, and put into a dark place. You will have fun watching your vinegar develop. You will know when its made. A great way to use up left over wine. Beer , will make a malt vinegar, don't add any water to the beer.

kuaka, Feb 20, 4:42pm
left over wine ?? What's that, never heard of it, never have it!

gr8stuf4me, Feb 20, 5:03pm
Hi there, I had similar problems with my vinegar until someone told me to keep it in the fridge.I havent had a problem since and so put it down to my pantry being too warm.Hope this helps!

nfh1, Feb 20, 7:28pm
Yes - it could be that, our pantry is really warm.Thanks

pickles7, Feb 21, 12:22am
lol, nor here, But I do get given bottles of wine others can not drink. Latest is a bottle of "Syrah"2010.The person that gave me the bottle likes red wine, so I am thinking it has past its best.

pickles7, May 8, 2:57am
Most vinegar you buy will have been treated to retard the "mother of vinegar" from growing. I preserve my vinegars with heat, or sulphates. Just strain the "mother out before you use the vinegar. I wouldn't have room in my fridge, to keep my vinegars in the fridge.