How long does coconut last?

shawkt, May 11, 10:38pm
I know it doesnt last long but how will I know?, May 11, 11:03pm
Fresh and open? if so about 5 days in the fridge before it will go rancid.

shawkt, May 11, 11:05pm
Its not fresh just shredded stuff from the supermarket in a bag and opened.

daleaway, May 11, 11:07pm
Taste it.
If it's not rancid, it's useable!

elliehen, May 11, 11:09pm
maxwell. inc... am not looking for you ;)But just saw your name and thought I'd alert you to Nat Radio right now about to talk on the panel about Low Carbing (after they've talked about the Police... ), May 11, 11:30pm
Cheers ellie. . but I dont own a radio. thanks anyway

#2 shredded stuff is fine will last YEARS in a well sealed container.

elliehen, May 11, 11:48pm
You didn't miss anything - it was all about an ultra-extreme version practised by competitive body-builders.

bedazzledjewels, May 11, 11:50pm
Thanks anyway Elliehen., May 11, 11:50pm
ah yes. . nothing relevant to the real world then - I don't fancy having "guns" the size of Sherman tanks.

bedazzledjewels, May 11, 11:54pm
Just getting back to coconut - my creamed coconut isn't going to last long Maxwell! What lovely stuff that is., May 11, 11:55pm
yeah I am down to half a jar. . I keep forgetting to eat my oil. . after a few days my tummy reminds me!

elliehen, May 12, 12:03am
OOPS! Spoke too soon... just before 5pm a dietician, Sarah Hanrahan came on and talked about the movement in the USA but said little more than that there were still two sides to the discussion and two sets of scientific argument and NZ guidelines were not about to be changed anytime soon...

Now back to coconut... :)

jessie981, May 12, 12:31am
Told years ago to keep in an uncovered container. Mine has never gone 'off'

norma2, May 13, 5:16am
I keep some of it in freezer

lizab, Apr 28, 3:14pm
I always store my dessicated coconut in a screw top container in the fridge