Seafood Chowder Recipe

krames, Oct 14, 7:52am
made this one tonight, wasnt too bad , a bit plain I thought

samanya, Oct 14, 9:58pm
You could always add 'extras' to your taste another time.
I sometimes add smoked paprika & it's nicer with real smoked fish.

korbo, Oct 14, 11:59pm
My lovely one is.
1 packet Maggi fish pie. (made with 1/2 milk.1/2 cream as per pkt)
chopped onion, grated carrot, chopped parsley,couple of hard boil eggs.
any type of fish I have, shrimps, prawns, and surimi, (I hate mussels),mix all up serve with yummy bread

rainrain1, Jun 29, 10:48pm
I would love to try someone else's recipe, I'm a bit tired of making my usual, does anyone have a favourite to share?

fifie, Jun 29, 11:18pm
Best I've ever made is Alyson Goftons Blue Cod and Bluff Oyster chowder, it's yummo. Google will find you the recipe.

samanya, Jun 29, 11:34pm
I like Jo Seagar's Smoked Seafood chowder

100g butter
1 leek finely sliced
1medium onion
1 tab flour
1 cup fish stock ( use the liquid from the canned smoke fish, if using)
2 cups milk
1 cup sweet corn
1 potato diced into small pieces
1 x can of smoked fish fillets or 2 cups flaked smoked fish
2 cups approx mixed seafood
1/2 cup cream
1/2 cup parsley
salt & freshly ground black pepper
Saute the leek & onion in the butter for 3 -4 minutes, then add the flour & stir well. Stir over a gentle heat & add the fish stock & milk. (I do this off the heat & add the liquid half at a time cook a bit & . it seems to come out creamier this way)
Add the rest of the ingredients, except the cream & parsley & simmer until thick & creamy.
Finally add the cream & parsley & season to taste (the smoked fish can be a little salty).
I sometimes add lemon zest & juice.
I've frozen leftovers.

rainrain1, Jun 30, 12:53am
Thanks much, nothing like a change in the middle of Winter.

patsy3, Jun 30, 2:11am
If you are time poor, I sometimes buy a fresh pre-made one from the supermarket, and add extra fish/seafood, parsley and seasoning.
Does a couple meals, not as great as from scratch, but ok as a change and reasonably cost effective.

paora-tm, Jun 30, 9:44am
We like the Countdown recipe. with double the marinara mix.

willman, Jun 30, 7:46pm
Seafood Chowder: Serves 6-8.

500gr mixed seafood, 1 litre water. 200gr butter, 200gr flour, 250 mls milk, salt and pepper.

Simmer seafood and water for 2-5 minutes. Melt butter, stir in flour and cook until thickens.
Slowly add fish and liquid. Season to taste. Add milk and cook gently a further 10 minutes. Sprinkle with lemon pepper if wished.
200 butter looks tho it may be too much, use what u would think. :)

paora-tm, Jun 30, 9:28pm
Looks like it should be 20gms of butter AND flour.

maynard9, Jul 3, 1:28am
The Chelsea Winter one is absolutely to die for.

My hubby has always loved Seafood Chowder. Every time we go to California we always get in served in a sour dough bun.

Have tried many recipes over the years but now stick to Chelsea's recipe.

griffo4, Dec 15, 5:17pm
Would you be kind enough to share the recipe please?