Were do i get a 21st cake in auckland

hotstuff111, Jul 27, 2:13am
hi were going to auckland next month for daughters 21st where is the best place to get a 21 cake made thanks

unknowndisorder, Jul 27, 2:18am
Whereabouts in Auckland? And how much do you want to spend?

hotstuff111, Jul 27, 5:31am
oatoho not sure on spelling thinking 100 to 150 we are there just for the weekend and then having another birthday a week later so will have another cake

unknowndisorder, Jul 27, 5:42am
You could try http://www.classiccakes.co.nz/about.html they are not far from the main shops in Otahuhu, and always intrigued me that a cake shop exists where they are. I have not ever bought anything from them, just go past on my way to work.

hotstuff111, Jul 27, 5:46am
thank you will look it up

dansac, Jul 27, 4:18pm
Decor Cakes 14 Queen Street Otahuhu, have been around for years. they make lovely cakes

buzzy110, Jul 27, 5:10pm
Agree. I got my daughter's wedding cake from there. The shop is fairly dated now but I can recommend their product.

molly37, Jan 12, 9:41am
http://rozziescakes.co.nz/ Not sure if she's still doing it. Time frame might be a bit short.