Made a yummy chocolate mouse tonight right out of my head. 1 ripe avo 1/4 cup icing sugar 1/4 cup cocoa powder 1 small pottle any yoghurt
beat all together until smooth and serve with fruit OMG so yummy
Jul 31, 4:10am
awesome will try this. thanks
Aug 2, 1:44am
Poor mouse!
Aug 2, 2:14am
you had to, didn't you! It actually sounds a nice recipe.
Aug 2, 3:27am
This is what I make when I have too many avos ripening at once:
1 ripe avocado' 1 frozen banana - obviously peeled and cut into chunks before freezing, 3 heaped tablespoons of raw cacao powder, 2 tablespoons of raw honey or if you like some caster sugar, a bit of lemon juice, a pinch of sea salt.
If you are not eating strict paleo but primal then you can add some cream to it too :)
In a blender or food processor, add the cacao powder first, then the remaining ingredients on top.
Blend until it reaches a “moussey” texture. Add a few drops of ice cold water if necessary. Make sure it is all blended well.
Fill small cups with the mixture and either serve straight away or refrigerate for a no fuss quick dessert.
Aug 2, 3:36am
If I feel a bit more decadent and/or have more time this is also nice:
1 large ripe avocado (usually I use 2 normal sized ones), ⅔ cup chopped dark chocolate, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 2-3 tbsp sugar or honey or agave syrup depending on your belief system, 1 tsp instant coffee, ½ tsp vanilla extract, some chopped nuts to garnish.
Heat the chocolate, coconut oil, coffee and sugar carefully (double boiler maybe), and mix until the chocolate has melted. Do not overcook!
Scoop the avocado flesh into a blender, add the melted chocolate mix to it and blend till smooth.
Serve in a bowl or individual glasses and either serve immediately garnished with some chopped nuts or refrigerate for later use.
You can increase the quantity of coffee, chocolate and coconut oil if preferred. Or use milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate and of course you can use more or less sugar.
Try it out one day.
Jan 26, 3:03am
I will try out your recipe tomorrow as I have too many ripening avos and this sounds like a very quick recipe.
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