I love kitchen gadgets, browsing in a 'kitchen' speciality shop is as exciting as the tool shop is for my partner. Problem is you need lots of kitchen storage to put them in, so I try and control myself to buying only what I'll use as many gadgets end up unused. Interested to hear what people use often. In my house the blender, milkshake maker and electric tin opener get used often. I havent used my bread maker or waffle maker for years.
Dec 20, 7:09pm
I use my Slow cooker a lot there's even a cool Facebook sight called slow cooker recipes 4 families
Dec 20, 7:16pm
oh yes, in winter I use my slow cooker weekly.
Dec 20, 7:20pm
R/Hobbs searing slow cooker that can go on gas hob for browning, and little mini whiz for chopping herbs, onions etc, bullet for juices, smoothies.
Dec 20, 8:44pm
Most used is blender, then slow cooker and last is spice grinder. Couldn't be without any of these
Dec 20, 9:19pm
The only thing Id change about my slow cooker is I wish it had an inbuilt timer to turn on later in the morning when Im at work, as putting it on before I go to work is too long. Ive bought several plug in timers, but I just cant work out how to use them, and the instructions. omg
Dec 20, 10:09pm
Goldair mini food-processor - red. The colour is important because, from memory, I purchased this on a whim (when we were about to leave Farmers one day) mainly to wind my hubby up. I told him it was a 'must have item' cause it was just the right shade of red. ;-) As it turns out I use it all the time. Practical for small amounts, easy to clean and very easy to store. And then there's that colour thing. :)
Have a lovely Christmas dolphin9 and remember. tis the season to unleash thy inner gadgetery desires!
Dec 21, 4:24am
I recently had a declutter in my kitchen and the gadgets I no longer used were passed onto family or donated to the local Op shop. The ones that I still have and use regularly are my processor, mixer, nutri blender, crockpot, stick blender, breadmaker and electric frypan, my waffle maker only gets used when the Grandies come to stay so couldn't get rid of that.
Dec 21, 4:24am
Electric jug, toaster, crockpot and hand held blender (the one like a wand). At this time of year I use the hand held beater a lot too.
Dolphin is your oven automatic because one of the plugs can usually be set to a time if it is.
Dec 21, 4:37am
I've got a 'Little Osk(c)ar' mini processor, it must be at least 20 years old, it's very powerful & extremely useful for all sorts, especially pastry. & so easy to clean . I won't use my big processor unless I have to. The other gadgets that I use a lot, is a spiraliser & an electric grater. The grater I got with Fly Buys & deep down I thought it would probably just take up cupboard space & seldom used, but surprisingly, I use it heaps.
Dec 21, 5:21am
Not sure if it will be classed as a gadget but I love my lettuce spinner. As I grow most of my own lettuce it gets used all the time. it's very ugly but oh so practical. It's one with a string that you pull on and I've replaced the string several times and it's very well worn where the string runs.
Dec 21, 8:33am
i moved into a tiny flat and got rid of all my gadgets and bought a thermomix. it does everything but it was neat buying gadgets when I had a big house
Dec 21, 8:53am
Beleive it or not, the two I'm getting most use out of at the moment - apart from my trusty Ninja - are a strawberry slicer and and avocado cutter!
Brilliant for cutting perfect slices with painful hands, and both under $10 each, so great gift ideas. (The slicer was from Homecare, so maybe too late for Christmas, but worth considering).
Dec 21, 9:08am
I collect retro/vintage kitchen drawer gadgets such as butter curlers, cookie cutters, pastry horns, mini tart cases, corn cob holders, apple corers, nut crackers, whisks, cocktail forks, pastry cutters, rolling pins, sieves etc etc etc,. I've a large 9 drawer dresser in the garage crammed full of these sort of kitchen draw gadgets. God knows how many tea chest full I have of other gadgets and kitchen ware,cooking and serving ware I have that can't fit into the kitchen. And I use everything. Don't get me started on hardware stores for tools.
Dec 21, 9:11pm
smoothie maker, use that every day.
Dec 21, 9:18pm
My choice is not a gadget as such but my most valuable tool is a small sharp knife.
Could be the fact that I started cooking long before most of the electrical gadgets were around.
Dec 21, 11:26pm
If we're talking kitchen kit now and not just gadgets then my kitchen has a clear cut winner. It's actually something I first heard about right here on the recipe forum maybe around two years ago - long thread discussing the best frying pans and someone mentioned these. Being a Google addict I immediately had to know more and then couldn't stop thinking about them. Difficult to get here in NZ and priced at over $400 so I hemmed and hawed over it for ages, knew they were being sold on Ebay but couldn't commit to the cost until I realised that there were only three left. I bought one (from the States - took ages to arrive after doing a mini tour of most of central USA according to the track & trace info). Cost me $220 NZ (pan itself was USD$80ish - rest was exchange rate and freight) and I would not part with it! Wish I knew who made the original post on that thread so I could thank them. Got rid of my no longer used electric frying pan and simply wipe this one out with warm water after use (it truly is that easy to clean) and put it back on the hob where it lives permanently. Use it all the time.
my cheese scones are now vastly improved and making regular appearances much to the delight of the males of the household. :)
Dec 21, 11:46pm
As above, things like the crockpot, blender, mixer etc. I also use the pasta machine, ice cream maker, cheese making gear and coffee grinder regularly.
Dec 21, 11:53pm
sampa, where did you get it please?
Dec 22, 12:31am
I bought it off Ebay wron but I've just had a quick check and they don't seem to be listed anymore sorry.
Dec 22, 9:37am
ditto and I have a favourite knife and use my metal strainer daily
Dec 22, 9:50am
toaster and jug - used every day
rice cooker - three times a week
they are the items which sit on the bench
when gadgets are in the cupboard, they are used less.
I have a stick blender - used a lot by the kids and a hand mixer - used once a week
a kenwood - which is a pain to get out - so only really used for pavs waffle maker - has seasons, then heads to the back of the cupboard
bread maker - hubby likes more than me - used weekly
soda stream - again, used by the kids
Dec 22, 5:59pm
The 'gadget' I get the most use out of is a weird little Maxwell & Williams whisk I bought at Briscoes on a whim. Instead of whisking with your wrist, you just push down on the handle and the end spins around. I was surprised how good it was when I bought it and have used it numerous times since. I intend to buy another one next time I'm at Briscoes. http://www.briscoes.co.nz/kitchen/preparation/maxwell-and-williams-rotary-whisk-black-30cm-1051396
Dec 22, 6:20pm
That is very cool datoofairy. stocking stuffer! Will let Santa know my list has expanded. :)
My hubby is quite a useful kitchen 'gadget'. Last night he sharpened all my favourite knives for me (always so much better to have sharp knives) and - in-between - he finished installing three new kitchen drawers he's made to fit under the oven. 2 normal depth ones and a really deep one at the bottom all fronted in stainless steel. Handy having a hubby that can make this kind of thing. :)
Now I have more space for gadgets. must fill. LOL.
Dec 22, 6:53pm
I clicked on your link and see they are on special. Might have to call in there today.
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