Swiss Food - suggestions of evening meal menu

chakendrick, Feb 7, 2:16am
for an event please?

davidt4, Feb 7, 2:46am
The food in Switzerland varies regionally, the main influences are Italy, Germany and France. Here is a useful web site:

lilyfield, Feb 7, 2:47am
geschnetzeltes kalbfleisch

Fondue of course, but its still a bit too warm for it.


Rotkohl und Schweinsbraten mit
Kartoffel kloesse
Bach forelle

have fun googling

winnie231, Feb 8, 3:18am
Basler Leckerli which is a type of gingerbread.
It's a fairly famous speciality from Basel in Switzerland (my German MOH would always bring it back for us from holiday) and there are lots of recipes via google for it.

chakendrick, Mar 13, 11:07am
Thank you, some great ideas here. We were looking for recipes that come from the areas of Berne and Valais