I remember those days. My childhood diet was rabbit, past laying hen, when Dad could catch them and mutton from the neighbours. It seems now that one bad egg makes the news, and so many believe all are like that.
Jul 9, 5:54am
Thing is, the factory farms may not all be like that, but how is one to tell from a package which farms the meat is sourced from? They could have some horrendous suppliers as well as good ones.
I've gone completely off red meat lately, never liked pork much. But the thing is, when you want/need meat, you want/need meat, and not everyone can afford free range meat as the holier-than-thou free range producers can charge an arm and a leg for it. Getting rid of factory farming in NZ isn't going to change much, the crap stuff will just get crappier and imported, which takes jobs and money from NZ.
Jul 9, 1:39pm
You are right, but I'm working on paying extra for free range and eating way less. Bacon will now be a monthly treat for me, better for my health and pocket.
Jul 9, 3:29pm
Buying good meat well farmed is becoming more important to me. I buy pork often from Freedom and Havoc (who featured on episode 1 of the Topp twins new show). I buy beef from Colin at Lake Farm Beef who won this years Steak of Origin competition. Link below. Lamb I haven't sourced yet although Marama Organics supplies Silver Fern label available at Countdown. http://lakefarmbeef.co.nz/welcome/
Jul 10, 4:20am
I look for bacon that us from pigs raised in NZ. From what I've seen only Freedom Farms says that their pigs are grown here. Most brands say from local and imported ingredients - which could include the pork coming from who knows where. One brand says the pork is from - Denmark I think. Would like to know what other brands are farmed here.
Jul 10, 4:25am
Beehive is NOT free range. Free range and cage free bacon is very clearly marked on the packet.
Jul 10, 4:26am
Hellers free farmed is NZ pork and not as expensive as Freedom Farms. A far bigger operation of course - FF raise their own pigs, I think.
Mar 18, 5:16am
If bacon isn't marked free range I think you can assume it isn't free range. Free range sells at a premium price because it is more expensive to produce. If they go to trouble and expense of raising free range pigs then they are going to make it very clear on the packet.
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