Hi just wondered if anyone has a good recipe for silverbeet stems. Thanks in afvance.
Jul 24, 12:30am
Put them in your stir fry? In your soup? In the chook boil up pot? try them in a potato bake? Slice, and stir fry with bacon bits
Jul 24, 12:40am
Lovely with a cheese sauce or soft blue cheese mixed through.
Jul 24, 12:41am
Not sure who posted this but its nice. Silverbeet ~ Creamed 1 cup water 1 tbsp soy sauce 1/2 x tsp chicken stock powder black pepper dash garlic powder silverbeet 100ml cream 4 x tsp. cornflour Method: Wash the silverbeet remove leaves slice the stalks into pieces. In a saucepan or wok combine water, soy sauce, chicken stock, pepper and garlic powder. Bring to boil. Add silverbeet stalks to wok reduce heat , cover and simmer about 2-3 minutes or until crisp-tender. Blend cream with cornflour and then stir into mix. Cook and stir until thickened. Serve Immediately, can keep leaves you strip off stalks slice add to stalks and cook 1-2 mins extra before adding cream.
Jul 24, 12:42am
Old fashioned cooking was to peel and cut them, then boil in some water, then use that water to make a white sauce (with flour), add salt and pepper and some spices or herbs if you like and cream and some cheese and place the stems into that as a side dish to meat and potatoes. Can also make it into a gratin with even more cheese on top.
Personally I grow spinach beet and use the much smaller stems and the leaves at the same time.
rainrain1 - you are showing your age! chook boil up pot (who still does that nowadays I wonder) - get them a warm mash on a cold morning :)
Jul 24, 12:47am
I do. you old hag. how old are you Let me guess. not a day over 71
Jul 24, 12:56am
haaa . my mum used to do that. Boil up all the vege peelings & I think she used to put some sort of chook mash stuff in it . whatever she did, the chooks loved it!
Jul 24, 1:00am
We have a lot of scraps, and I hate wasting them, I find the hens don't like uncooked peelings, and I love my hens.
Jul 24, 1:11am
I love my girls too, but they don't get the 'boil up'. They usually get silver beet straight from the garden, but this year, because it's been a really tough winter . there's not much silver beet to give, the sparrows etc have beaten me to it, in spite of being fed with birdseed daily!
Jul 24, 1:19am
The birds have eaten the silverbeet here too, the leeks have been stagnant all Winter for the first time ever. Winter has been too cold
Jul 24, 2:14am
The birds have eaten heaps of stuff here, too. Beetroot tops, even, but they don't seem to like the Kohl Rabi tops, or onions. My brassicas are in a butterfly proof cage, so they are OK but not a cm of growth. Someone will suggest I get back on subject ;o) . silver beet stems are all I've got left & if I get desperate, I'll use them, in a creamy sauce.
Jul 24, 3:20am
i used to saute them in the pan juices of lamb with rosemary - was yum
Jul 24, 3:28am
Thanks everyone hate the idea of throwing them such a waste.
Jul 24, 4:24am
Slice them and put into the bottom of the pot/steamer, with the leaves sliced on top - they cook in the same amount of time. Yum.
Jul 24, 11:57am
That's what I do, too. Then butter, salt, pepper. :)
Jul 24, 4:36pm
Use in a vege soup especially good in a borsch or minestrone. Here is Digby Laws recipe for Silverbeet stalks in Garlic Tomato Sauce
2 cups stalks in 2cm pieces Can Tomato Puree 3 cloves Garlic crushed Salt and Pepper
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 20 minutes, covered or until tender.
Jul 25, 4:14am
Me too. :-)
Jul 25, 4:58am
in a crock pot with the silverside. or as part of a vege soup.
Jul 25, 3:00pm
Why don't you just cook the stems up with greenery and eat the whole leaf? That way you don't have to worry about what to do with the stems
Jul 25, 5:10pm
The stems are nice so long as you don't go right to the end where they are much tougher and can get a bit 'stingy'. Just slice them like you would celery - across into half moon shapes - and put them in a bit before you add the leafy tops to which ever dish you're cooking.
Feb 13, 7:18pm
Make curried fritters from them - yum
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