Desserts that freeze well

hardenbol, Aug 23, 5:52pm
after some ideas for desserts that can make ahead of time and freeze but allso need to travel well to as have a 7 hour trip to make with them.

245sam, Aug 23, 6:28pm
hardenbol, I have usually made unbaked cheesecakes (in preference to the baked versions) and have found any unbaked cheesecake that I have frozen has been very successfully done so, and good-as to enjoy when thawed.
For you, needing to travel, I would suggest that you leave home with the still-frozen cheesecakes well-protected of course, so that they don't get squashed when thawed, and along with cooler packs or whatever you have to keep your chilly bin as cold as possible, I believe that you should arrive at your destination with very successfully previously frozen and by then thawed cheesecakes that are ready to be decorated and served.

Hope that helps. :-))

twelve12, Aug 23, 8:06pm
I posted this in the coconut oil thread, but this freezes beautifully.

yjeva, Aug 23, 8:27pm
I regularly make and freeze apple shortcake

valentino, Aug 26, 10:49pm
You noted to freeze yet a 7 hour trip, hmmm, were you thinking freezing because of the trip and to be made a day or so prior or is that you need to freeze well beforehand like a week plus.

Also, nice to know numbers being catered for.

Cheers and all the best, sounds like you going to Palmerston North or further South.

macandrosie, Sep 9, 5:03am
Have you tried just making the crumble part of the dessert & storing it in the freezer? It doesn't really freeze solid so you can just open a tin of fruit or your favourite preserves & place in a baking dish then top with your crumble.

floralsun, Oct 30, 1:10pm
+1 - especially good for those, I've just had dinner and feel like something else nights! I make a big batch to use some, and freeze the rest. In season, I also slice washed, skin-on apples and peaches into bags too, and freeze berries from my garden, give them a shake every hour or so so they stay free flow. Grease oven dish, pour in preferred frozen fruit slices, top with frozen crumble, into the 180C oven - pudding is on its way!

Anything with gelatine freezes well too OP.