What is the best way to keep eggs - in the fridge or not!
Jan 1, 7:09pm
Not.Plus most recipes require eggs to be at room temperature.
Jan 1, 7:13pm
I do, at this time of the year. My kitchen is rather warm and I don't use them often enough to leave out but I do remember to take them out well before I need them
Jan 1, 7:35pm
Fridge for me but it is not necessary. Eggs come with enzyme inhibitors that slow the decline into rancidity. You will probably have eaten them all before that point.
Jan 1, 7:56pm
Same here but because I have my own chooks, I do know that they are super fresh & could be left out of the fridge.
Jan 1, 8:36pm
Of course you do. Need a warm one - get it out before cooking.
Jan 1, 9:04pm
I keep mine in the fridge, but get them out the night before if I am using them for baking sponges etc.
Jan 2, 2:58am
I have always kept my eggies in the fridge. The whites take longer to beat however it's a more stable mix, IME and from what I have read it doesn't make a huge amount of difference - very much personal choice.
Jan 2, 3:25am
In the cupboard, for ages, always fine.
Jan 2, 5:24am
Some in the fridge.those that don't fit.in a cool cupboard.a whole tray is gone in 2 weeks in my house. Never had a rotten one yet.
Jan 2, 5:36am
They last a lot longer in the fridge, but if you go through your eggs fast enough anyway it doesn't matter.Room temp better for cooking.I keep mine in the fridge - out of habit really - not necessary really as I tend to go through a dozen a week (or more) easily, they're not going to go off on the bench for a lot longer than that.
Jan 2, 2:36pm
I never fridge them. Fresh eggs keep at room temp for 2 months at least.
They kept more than 2 months in the tropics with daily turning so the yolks do not stick to the shells.
Not sure how old supermarket eggs are though when you buy them!
Jan 2, 10:09pm
hate it when you go to the markets, and the sellers have trays of eggs they are selling sitting on a table in full sun. Won't buy any. I do keep mine in the fridge in a pull out thing from Kmart. it is like a little basket with a handle in the front. Hate eggs on the bench.
Jan 2, 10:57pm
That's the point I was making at #5. I still put my eggs in the fridge though .habit!
Jan 2, 11:18pm
Better than the supermarket eggs any time. My eggs had more than 35 degrees daily in the tropics - whats a few hours in the sun!
Jan 2, 11:46pm
Yep, you knew how old your eggs were, korbo was looking at buying them.spot the difference!
Jan 3, 2:21am
Never in the fridge I have four hens the problem I have the most is ageing the eggs so they are easy to peel when boiled
Jan 3, 4:13am
A healthy precaution perhaps. Eggs only rot if bacteria has invaded them; they don't only rot from a lack of refrigeration. If they did it would be impossible for hens to hatch chicks. I guess the answer is you don't have to at all, yet you can if you want to and they will arguably last longer. Each to his own.
Jan 3, 4:32pm
So gran333 the consensus is - Eggs are fine left unrefrigerated for at least two months if the shells are not cracked. They can be left on the bench or in a cooler cupboard. Either way, they'll remain edible. Sun and higher temperatures are OK but best not to tempt fate. Eggs can also be kept in the fridge and this, is probably the fall back position for most consumers. The fridge makes people feel secure about the freshness of their eggs. Refrigeration won't harm the eggs either.
Bringing eggs to room temperature before using in baking or cooking is recommended but others don't bother. I don't, and I have perfectly fine results using chilled eggs. If boiling, I put into cold water, rather than boiling. They don't usually crack straight from the fridge. They take about 30secs-1min longer to cook once water is brought to the boil and reduced to a simmer.
Jan 3, 6:44pm
Yes she was buying them from a MARKET - which is why they were in the sun. They would not be in the sun in the supermarket aye!
I used to sell onmarkets for many years - and ALL eggs sell out on the day - often before 8am!
So those eggs are a max of 7 days old. The 3 hours of full sun they get on the market stall are nothing at all!
But yeah be precious and buy supermarket eggs instead LOL!
Jan 3, 7:56pm
I think eggs have been around a lot longer than refrigerators:)
Jan 3, 8:27pm
I think the hen came before the egg.or maybe not .
Jan 3, 8:30pm
I understood all of that! No need to have it spelled out, complete with capitals LOL, thanks. Your eggs, you claim, were no older than one week OK.can you guarantee that all stall holders eggs were the same!
Thought not.
Jan 3, 8:42pm
Our market is not a Farmer's Market and out of four or five stalls selling eggs, only one stall actually has their own hens. The rest are selling on behalf and as such can't guarantee the age of the eggs. And yes, some have them in the sun all the time. The market is open from 8am to 2pm and the stalls are set up from 5am, so some eggs may have been in the sun for that length of time and then the unsold ones taken to the Sunday market where the same thing happens.
Jan 3, 11:36pm
They are here in Whangarei - the very first GROWERS Market in NZ! - where no-one can sell on "behalf". if you do not front up as "the Grower" you have no stall.
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