Im nearly 32 wks pregnant and have noticed my weight gain of 16kgs as I was 64kgs before hand and now 80kgs, being only 166cms im kinda short and feel way to big and i can tell by my clothes like boxers and sleeveless tops as to how much ive grown, i know we have to gain weight for babys sake but i think i need ideas as to how to cut the cravings.I dont think i need to add excess kgs but it would be nice to keep them down. I do try and eat healthy but sometimes you just cant help it with options on foods or drinks, how is/has everyone kept a nice steady 3rd trimester weight gain going!
Mar 16, 5:56am
Maybe ask in parenting!
I would simply say eat food: lots of veges and salads with some meat eggs, fish, in every meal. If you can stomach it some dairy, a bit of nuts and seeds and some fruit plus some healthy fats.
This usually stems the cravings after a month or so - but I am sure parenting would give you more and different answers.
Good luck!
Mar 16, 6:12am
Im with uli on this one. During both my pregnancies I only gained 5-6kg and had big babies so pregnancy made me lose weight once the baby was out. I just ate normally. Had the odd craving (first preg was fruit and 2nd preg was sour worms lol) but i purposely didnt have those foods in the house. Because if its there ill eat it.
Mar 16, 9:28pm
Animal protein at every meal: eggs, fish, meat. And lots of vegies. NO or virtually no carbs.REDUCE carbs!Reduce all obvious sugar - and that includes fruit juice (consider it a treat, and to be drunk as seldom as coke, it is really little better than coke). Only 2 pieces of fruit a day. Snack on other protein like nuts, yoghurt, cheese.
The baby needs the protein to grow his/her brain, but your body craves the fast hit of sugar/carbs. Instead, balance your blood sugars with plenty of protein and vegies. The average weight gain for the 40 weeks of pregnancy is 12-15kg so you have already exceeded that and still have the hardest part when you gain most, to go.
FTR all my babies were 9-11 lb and very healthy but I only gained 5-10kg each pregnancy.
Mar 17, 12:02am
16 kgs is a lot for first two trimesters.
I agree with all the above advice.
The last thing you need is gestational diabetes.
Mar 18, 2:38am
Wow, some amazing suggestions made here.I am not a small person but I only gained 10 kg, what 'saved' me in an ironic way was the borderline development of gestational diabetes, it meant I was forced to eat eggs for brekkie and salad for lunch, salad and meats/roast etc for dinner and lots of veggies. it was always the carbs that pushed up my sugar levels, luckily I was able to control my diet (for the first time ever, due to the threat of having birth intervention) and it also begun my interest in changing my eating habits for good!Good luck!
Mar 19, 6:12am
I'm 14 weeks and have only just started being able to stomach fruit and veges again. Carbs carbs carbs, and eggs, is all I have been able to keep down. I am so sick of eggs, and toast. Bring on the meat! This post is not helpful in any way to OP. I apologise.
Mar 19, 11:08am
I gained 20kg during first pregnancy. and lost 10kg in my third (was way more busy lol).Ps third pregnacy breastfeeding came to a stop at 4 months due to my physical stress and not eating enough.(Making no judgement at all that you gonna breast or bottle feed). You've not got many weeks to go, so I wouldn't change diet now.Figure it out after baby is here (yay!). and diet then, depends on if breast or bottle feeding.
Mar 20, 12:43am
Actually its a VERY good idea to change her diet now. Better late than never - gaining too much weight too early is a very good indicator she is eating the wrong foods, which exposes the baby to poor nutrition and as another poster said, its highly likely she may push herself over the edge into Gestation Diabetes - which is not only risky but harmful for mother and baby.
Eating better quality food will benefit mother and baby, as well as breast milkand long term will benefit her family for life if they all make those good changes.
Mar 21, 7:28am
Have you changed your diet! After what you read on here!
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