Frozen croissants

melford, Mar 15, 7:57pm
I am unable to find a supplier in Christchurch that sells large frozen croissants, I have seem the miniature ones - can anyone help please!

sarahb5, Mar 15, 10:51pm
Pak n Save - they sell the ones they use in their on-site bakery and they're delicious

melford, Mar 16, 4:02am
Thanks for the reply.Are they large ones!

uli, Mar 16, 4:04am
They are the size you can buy baked from the supermarket.

They come in cartons frozen for them to bake.
They hardly make anything from scratch.

jane310567, Mar 16, 4:09am
new world fendalton - 12 for $10. They look mini but when they thaw they are large - dont let the frozen size put you off!

uli, Mar 16, 4:10am

melford, Mar 16, 5:24am
thank you everyone - I will check out Pak n Save and New World Fendalton

sarahb5, Mar 16, 5:15pm
Pak n Save's are $5 for 10

sarahb5, Mar 16, 5:16pm
Yes they do but don't let your assumptions get in the way of the truth eh!

shaun16, Mar 16, 5:21pm
croissants arent worth the time it takes to make them. most bakeries buy them frozen otherwise they would cost more than they already do. i work in a new world bakery so i know

beaker59, Mar 16, 6:44pm
They are so much better made from scratch. But then it does take a long time and the rolling is a skill only a true baker can do well.

robyn35, Mar 16, 7:15pm
Have you tried the French Bakery Factory shop in (I think) Port Hills Road, they usually have them

uli, Mar 16, 7:52pm
So my post with the link to the place that has frozen croissants was deleted!
Does TM think we should buy them here!