anyone know where to get this! that doesnt cost a fortune! the only place i could find online was going to be $10 including postage for 4ml!
Feb 21, 5:04am
i have tried the local supermarkets but they dont seem to stock it.
Feb 21, 5:32am
Have you tried Bin Inn ! They may stock it
Feb 21, 5:34am
The TM seller trinityfoods has lots of imported stuff - maybe a question there might give you the answer you want
Feb 21, 5:56am
Get the larger bottle. Because it is strong you will only need little and will last you ages, cake stuff, chocolate making websites etc will sell them.
Feb 21, 6:13am
What do you use it for!
Feb 21, 6:24am
Does it have to be in liquide form! If not, why not use Fresh-As pineapple powder! It is a fruit powder and is fabulous stuff.
Saw it in Bin Inn yesterday. Think I'll buy it to flavour my frosting when I do a vanilla cupcake with chocolate brown/yellow colours piped on top with a pineapple lump placed on top of that.
Feb 21, 9:06am
Anyone!I've never heard of it and can't imagine what anyone might use it for.Also, I don't imagine that pineapples contain much oil, if any.
Is it an artificial flavouring!
Feb 21, 5:52pm
There are natural and artificial ones. I use the natural to flavour home made chocolates (filling), slices, in baking, ice cream etc. Daughter used some to flavour her lip balms. Used the artificial in soap making.
Feb 21, 8:44pm
You will find the Fresh-As perfect for your baking makespacenow
Feb 21, 9:21pm
It is basically freeze dried, so it dissolves beautifully in to your baking. I get mine from Moore Wilson, but Sabato and Farro Fresh have it as well as a number of other retailers.
I checked them out while ago but sadly the price put me off. I have three little (by size) waste disposal (huge volume). When in season I dry what I can. Ne day when they move out I'll be able to ;).
Feb 21, 10:33pm
I bought a packet for $8.99 at New World in Dunedin and then saw it at a deli for $13.60.It is amazing stuff and I will buy more when we get back to Dunedin.I was very happy with NW's price.
Feb 21, 10:35pm
Thats interesting to know. i only paid about $8.50 at Moore Wilson. Great that New World have it. it is fabulous stuff isn't it!
Feb 21, 11:17pm
Mm will have to check out NW as the MT Nosh prices were much much higher. But being fan of Australian Masterchef I am keen to try them.
Feb 22, 12:56am
Pretty sure that Bin Inn have it.
Feb 22, 1:10am
If you check the Fresh-As site, they have a list of places that it is available. They also have a facebook page
They even do Freeze Dried Pedro Ximenez Sherry
Feb 22, 3:07am
ok i tried my local bin inn as suggested above. its not called bin inn anymore in my town but it still has all the same stuff. they had it and it was only $3 for a standard size bottle, which i thought was quite cheap. its going to be used for pineapple lump cupcakes in case anyone was interested :)
Feb 22, 3:49am
I have heard really good reports from fellow bakers using the powdered flavouring in their cupcake icings. Edited to add that they say you don't have to use a lot of the powder in the icing, so it works out really cost effective once you have bought it.
Feb 22, 9:00pm
yes and I like the fact that it is freeze dried so you know what is in it! It dissolvesbeautifully in to mixes.
Feb 23, 6:59pm
I had been hoping that fresh as will freeze dry kaffir lime leaves and they do, a very exciting company.
Feb 23, 7:26pm
LorAnn Oils has pineapple oil - probably the one you spoke of OP.)There are also other awesome flavours).Yes, it seems expensive but 3 drops will flavour a cake or icing.Stronger flavour in icing.Well worth the money if you want a fabulous pineapple flavour.$7 approx in shops.The shop in Queens Arcade in Auckland has a wonderful range.I believe they do mail order but can't think of name of it sorry.
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