Bottling Pears - how many fit in a large Agee jar

carter19, Mar 6, 12:14am
I've been given 30kg pears and need to work out how many jars and seals I may need. I've never done this before but don't want to waste good food. Also any other ideas what to do with the pears. I have also got many apples . Can these be preserved in jars easily. I would rather do th is than put them in the freezer if possible. TIA

lilyfield, Mar 6, 12:21am
about 40 jars, if you cut them small to pack tightly. same with apples. or you can preserve apple puree, this way you can fit even more in the jars.

carter19, Mar 6, 12:41am
With the apple puree, how do you do it. Obviously I can't do overflow, as there's no fluid. Do i put it right to the top then shove the seal on or is there another better way.

geldof, Mar 6, 1:20am
That's what I do.
I also bottle it in Jam jars with the original lids.It always seals well and it's an ideal amount for apple sauce etc.

carter19, Mar 6, 11:55pm
Mum came and helped and we've done them all. I feel very satisfied.

samsnan, Mar 7, 1:04am
So carter19 how many jars did you end up getting and what size jars were they!

carter19, Mar 7, 2:04am
The jars are 1 litre agee jars and I got 15. I was a little surprised as I thought I'd need more but the waste skins and cores sure were heavy. The compost is happy too. The fruit and juice content of the jars is 17.2 kg. My inital weighing was done with me standing on scales, then again with the 2 bags so may not have been acurate. So glad mum helped with the peeling

carter19, Mar 7, 2:04am
I would certainly do this again. Well worth the effort.