Microwave Mustard sauce.

pigletnz25, Mar 10, 8:00pm
Hi can anyone give me the measurments for doing mustard sauce in the Microwave Please, hubby loves mustard sauce with silverside, and i want to do it in the microwave as I think it will be quicker.I do custard this way and its great. I can do it in the pot, but would like the microwave for convienence.many thanks.

harrislucinda, Mar 10, 8:05pm
thisisin theEdmondsmicrowavebook
1egg1/4cup sugar1tlbspflouranddry mustard
season1cup waterorcornbeefwater1/4cupmaltvinegar
beategg andsugaradd flourandmustardstirin water
microwave1minandstirrepeat2moretimesoruntil thickmake11/2cups

samsnan, Mar 10, 9:47pm
And if there is some leftover from recipe above put it in a small container and freeze it. Just heat it again in the microwave. I do this with any sauce or gravy leftover and it comes out perfectly.

pigletnz25, Mar 10, 10:56pm
thankyou so much guys, have made my day