Picked cucumber recipe please

feebee10, Mar 11, 5:38pm
I have loads of cucumbers ready to use and i want to bottle/pickle them any one have tried and ture recipe please

toadfish, Mar 11, 6:44pm
Highly reccommed these ones .

From Dezzie
I made this last year and its become a family favourite already.
Pickled cucumbers.
2 long telegraph cucumbers
slice into rounds.put to one side
then in a pot, 2 cups white sugar, 2 cups cider vinegar, 1 tblsp plain salt,1 teaspn mustard seeds, 1 teaspn tumeric, 1 teaspn black whole peppercorns.
bring to boil and simmer for 10mins.leave a few minutes after boiling.
have jars warming in oven.
place sliced cucumbers in warm jars, and pour over hot syrup,to the top.
seal with whatever lids come with jars.leave for 1 week, then put in fridge, for a day before eating.

We are still eating them, they keep well, and are lovely on burgers or cheese sandwiches or as a wee pile on the plate with cold meat and salad.
To slice them I just used firm pressure down the chute of my food processor with the slicing blade, you need to push quite hard or they are too skinny.
Quotedezzie (42 )7:10 pm, Mon 30 Jan #6

feebee10, Mar 11, 7:00pm
Thanks toadfish, any one else have a relish recipe too!

feebee10, Mar 11, 7:34pm
Im making you recipe now toadfish!

samanya, Mar 12, 1:13am
I'd highly recommend dezzie's recipe given above. it's lovely.
I've made a few jars of this & opened the first one last night to try & it was delicious.
The only addition I made was adding a finely cut red capsicum to the boiling mixture & that was purely for the aesthetics & it looks very attractive in the jar.
I certainly intend to do more.

toadfish, Mar 12, 1:34am
I added thinly sliced pickling onions in between the cucumber layers - delcious and I was surprised how crunchy the cucumbers were - although they were lebanese ones.

samanya, Mar 12, 1:46am
It's good to know that this recipe is good with Lebanese cucumbers as I have a lot of both types, right now.
I also have a glut of beans & wondered if it would work with lightly cooked string beans!

feebee10, Mar 12, 3:26am
All made cant wait to try it, i did wonder about the onions might do that next time . Thanks for your help