Pickling gherkins

alophia, Jan 2, 6:29pm
Has anybody got an easy recipe for pickling gherkins

wildflower, Jan 2, 8:44pm
I've got one from NZ Gardener I used last year but not sure where it is but you just pour boiling water over them a few times then rub off prickles then pack into jars then it was a mix of boiled white vinegar, sugar and pickling spice poured into each jar.I think you'll find it if you search on here up to the last year.

davidt4, Jan 2, 8:49pm
Pickled Gherkins (or other veg)

approx 3 kg gherkins
100g plain salt (not iodised)

Wash gherkins.Put in a large bowl with the salt, add 1200 ml cold water, mix to dissolve salt.Leave at least 12 hours,up to 24 hours.

Drain and rinse in cold water.Pack tightly into jars,fill up jars with cold spiced vinegar, distributing the spices evenly.Seal and store for a few weeks before opening.

Spiced vinegar:

1200 ml vinegar - white wine or cider are best
2 sticks of cinnamon
1 tab black or white peppercorns
10 cloves
1 tab mustard seeds
1 tab celery seeds

Mix in a saucepan, simmer 10 minutes, cool.