If you are following the Eat Right 4 Your Type eating plan and are blood type O this is my Anzac Biscuit recipe using ingredients that are neutral/beneficial.
INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup Spelt Flour (Not a gluten free flour please note) 1/3 cup Raw Sugar 3/4 cup Oats Olive Oil - enough to make the mixture not dry 1 TBLSP honey or golden syrup 1/2 TSP baking soda 2 TBLSP boiling water
Mix together flour, sugar and rolled oats. Melt honey, boiling water and baking soda together and add into flour mixture. Mix together and place level tablespoons of the mixture onto cold greased/baking papered trays. Press down with a fork. Bake at 180 C for about 15 minutes or until golden. This made about 18.
This is based on the Edmonds Cook Book recipe. They come out nice and chewy too.
Apr 25, 12:17pm
Thanks for sharing your recipe. . I have a friend visiting next month who has followed the O blood group eating plan for many years now, so I can make these for her. . thanks :-)
Apr 25, 7:47pm
I like chewy anzac biscuits as opposed to the harder, crunchy ones.
Apr 26, 7:46am
me too. . chewy is good but if they don't turn out like that then dunking them in tea is always nice too :D
Apr 26, 7:48am
There is also a great recipe I saw for an Anzac cake which was in the Sunday Star Times. it is on the recipe section if you would like it.
Apr 26, 9:23pm
What a great idea , recipes for blood type, The only time I ever have a cup of coffee [ about 6 a year] is to dunk a biscuit, will be trying your biscuits , thanks
Mar 7, 9:05pm
The Eat Right 4 Your Type books are fantastic. . I cut out a lot of wheat and dairy as well, and focussed on my "beneficial" foods and feel a hell of a lot better for it. Just takes some small changes but well worth it. I got the books out for free at the library, there is a larger comprehensive book and a smaller pocket size book as well. I have now lost a total of 30kg and maintaining that weight loss.
Oh I also been told that adding pumpkin seeds to the biscuits might be nice too... will be trying that this week - as blood type O shouldn't have coconut it can be another way to add a bit more in2 the mix.
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